09. Nevermind I Ruined It

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"No offense to me but wtf am I doing." - someone on twitter i think


Ivy woke up in an unfamiliar place. She was no longer sitting at the bank with Draco, but in an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room. She sat up and looked around - there were four other beds here, all empty. Who's dormitory was she in? The realization hit her: she must be in Draco's bed. Had he carried her up here after she'd fallen asleep?

She heard movements coming from the floor near the foot of her bed. She cautiously peered over and saw Draco laying there curled up on the ground, fast asleep, clutching the pearl tiara in his hand. He looked peaceful there, and for a few moments Ivy couldn't help but to watch as his chest rose and fell with each breath he took.

Ivy knew what she had to do. Wasting no time, she left the bed, tiptoed over to Draco's sleeping figure, and loosened the crown from his grip, careful not to wake him. She began rummaging through his belongings - opening his drawers, searching through his luggage - but she didn't find the pearl necklace and bracelet. A few minutes passed, and she decided she would have to find them later; she didn't want to risk waking him.

She tidied up the place, and when she was finished, she knelt next to Draco and kissed his forehead. She hated what she was doing, and considered returning the crown to his sleeping fingers, but she reminded herself of her mission. True, they had fallen asleep together. True, she was beginning to care for the boy, and hoped with every fiber of her being that somewhere, deep down, some small part of him cared for her too.

But none of this changed the fact that she vowed to collect all the pearls before he did. None of this changed the fact that she knew she had to stop him from winning, because a small part of her still believed he was not a good person. A small part of her believed that whatever he was going to wish for, it would be something evil, something selfish, something cruel. Would he be angry with her when he woke to find a pearl missing? Would he be hurt? She hated to think about it.

Fighting tears, she took a pillow from Draco's bed, gently lifted his head to place it underneath, and covered him with a quilt from a nearby armchair. Finally, she pocketed the tiara, which fit oddly in her robes, and walked to the door. She let her hand linger on the handle for a moment and glanced at him one last time. "I'm sorry, Draco," she whispered, and headed to the Great Hall to meet her friends for dinner.


"Oi! Where the hell have you been?" asked a furious Ron.

Ivy had planned on meeting Harry, Ron and Hermione for dinner, but when she got to the Great Hall, it was empty. She was too late. She hurriedly made her way to the Gryffindor Common Room, where she found them waiting for her by the fireplace, accompanied by Fred and George, who were pacing back and forth. Everyone looked worried.

The moment she stepped through the portrait hole, her friends stopped what they were doing and rushed up to her, crushing her in an embrace and bombarding her with questions.

"Ivy, you had us worried sick! Honestly, at least tell us where you're going next time, will you?"

"Go on, then, and tell us. Where have you been?"

"Yeah, you can't just not show up for dinner! Everyone shows up for dinner, even the ghosts! We thought you might've drowned in the toilet or something, and even then we would've expected your ghost to show up at least!"

"You should've seen the look on George's face when you never showed up, he looked like he was going to die of shock! You owe me for that, I almost became an only twin!"

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