15. You All Are Really Going to Hate Me For This One

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"So much more was said in the unsaid." - bridgett devoue


The world was too loud, and all Ivy could do was stand and watch as George continued to wail in agony, and the screams he was producing were no longer recognizable as sounds that a human was capable of making. Fred ran over to his brother's side, crying and cursing obscenities at the Slytherin girl who was now standing there with her arms crossed, looking rather bored and unimpressed.

Ivy finally snapped out of her trance and came to her senses. She drew her wand and walked purposefully into the corridor as Fred slid the box across the floor towards the girl. He was now kneeling over George, shielding him from the aim of the girl's wand.

"Expelliarmus!" cried Ivy with as much courage as she could muster. The girl's wand was blasted from her hand as she knelt to pick up the box, and she looked up to face Ivy, noticing her for the first time.

"Who the hell are you?" she shrieked, with the slightest glint of fear in her eyes.

George suddenly fell silent and stopped moving.

Ivy stood tall with her wand pointed at the girl, not taking her eyes off her. "Fred, take George and get out of here! Don't look back, no matter what! Take him to Pomfrey, she'll know what to do!"

But Fred wasn't listening and he could only sob even louder as his other half lay quite still on the ground.

"FRED!" bellowed Ivy, turning to face him. "Take George to Pomfrey's! Now!"

He finally lifted his head and scooped George's limp figure from the ground, his eyes burning with a dangerous rage Ivy had never seen before. "I'll fucking kill you for this," he warned the girl as he stood carrying George in his arms. "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!"

Ivy watched as he turned and swiftly left the corridor, disappearing into the darkness beyond. She turned around to face the Slytherin girl to find that she had retrieved her wand and was now pointing it right at her.

The girl grinned playfully. "Now what should I do with you? Let's see...CRUCIO!"

But Ivy was too quick for her and had already casted a shield charm when she suddenly heard a voice from far behind her.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING, PARKINSON?" roared Draco as he stormed into the corridor.

Pansy gasped and lowered her wand. "Draco!" she smiled. "I got the pearl f-"

"I told you to get the pearl from those Weasley's, and I told you specifically not to hurt them!" he interrupted. "So why the hell did one of them just leave the corridor carrying his unconscious twin in his arms?"

"They were being uncooperative," she frowned. "So I had to use force. It's not like I killed him or anyth-"

"And why are you here?" he asked Ivy, noticing her for the first time. "Get out!"

"I'm here to get my fucking pearls back," Ivy said flatly.

"Draco, who is she?" Pansy whined.

Draco shook his head. "Why didn't you just stay where I left you, Stillwater? Why do you have to be so-"

Ivy struck him across the face and pulled him in by the collar of his shirt. "If anyone's going to be asking the questions here, it's going to be me!" she hissed. "You're lucky I don't kill you right now, Malfoy, because here's what's going to happen. You're either going to give me back my pearls, or I'm going to take them. I'm not playing by your rules anymore, understand? We can do this the easy way or the hard way."

"Are you seriously that dim-witted?" he snapped. "I kept you in that room for your own safety! You have no idea how many people were after you and your stupid pearls tonight! Why else do you think I left the ball to look for you? Why else do you think I poisoned you myself and kept you hidden? You really think I took the pearls from you for my own selfish gain? After everything that we've been through? I've been protecting you this entire time!"

Ivy slowly released him and stared into his eyes, hoping to see the truth written somewhere in those deep blue hues. She didn't know what to believe, or what to say, so she said nothing.

Pansy stared at Draco, her eyes swimming with tears. "Draco, you... you love this girl, don't you? I don't believe it." She raised her wand at Ivy. "I thought you loved me, Draco! I thought we were supposed to be together! Why are you protecting her? After all that I've done for you!"

Draco scoffed. "I despise you, Parkinson."

Pansy shoved her way past Ivy and Draco and ran to the other end of the corridor. She then turned, aimed her wand, and screamed "CRUCIO!"

And suddenly every cell in Ivy's body was on fire, and it felt like invisible claws were tearing at her skin and digging through her flesh, and she dropped to the ground and squirmed and flung herself around on the floor, and threw her head back and let out a scream so terrible that the pain stopped, for just a second, before her body turned on her again and she reentered the world of unbearable pain - searing, stabbing, agonizing pain that tore through her from the inside out as she lost control of her limbs and prayed to die because at least then there would be no more suffering.

Ivy did not see Draco turn to run towards Pansy with his wand raised at her, screaming at her to stop. She did not hear Pansy cry out that she was going to kill Ivy, and she did not see the look of terror on Draco's face as Pansy raised her wand again and shrieked the incantation to the Killing Curse. Ivy did not hear Draco scream "NO!" as he turned again and ran towards Ivy to shield her, and she did not see the bright green explosion of light that knocked him to the floor, and she did not hear Pansy scream "NO!" because the Killing Curse that was meant for Ivy had hit Draco instead.

The only thing Ivy saw when she finally stopped hurting and regained control over her limbs once more was Pansy's silhouette running from the corridor and Draco laying across the ground in front of her without moving.

a/n: 🧍‍♀️

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