12. Dancing With Death

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"The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies." - jijiya parth


Draco took hold of her hand and led her through a series of abandoned corridors and spiral staircases when at last, he opened the door to the Astronomy Tower. He released her hand and walked over to one of the large windows that gave the perfect view of the night sky. Ivy followed, and stood next to him as he gazed up longingly at the moon.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" he whispered. "The moon. The stars, too. Sometimes I come up here and count them." He sighed. "My father never liked it. Said it was pointless to count the stars."

Ivy observed the starry sky. "How many do you think there are?"

"Hmm." Draco turned to face Ivy. "Billions. But the stars in the sky are nothing compared to the ones dancing in your eyes."

She grinned playfully. "I've got stars in my eyes?"

He cupped her face in his hands and leaned in. "You've got the whole world in your eyes."

And he tilted his head and pressed his mouth onto hers, and it was only when Ivy tasted his lips that she realized how long she had been starving for them. It was as if he had ignited a flame inside of her because she had no choice but to surrender to the burning passion that she had never felt before. The last kiss was like tiny sparks compared to the blazing inferno of pure desire that overcame her.

She didn't know whether it lasted a few seconds or a few minutes because time seemed to stop completely, and when Draco finally pulled away, she wanted nothing more than for their lips to reunite.

For a few moments, he simply held her in his arms, and she had never felt more safe. She didn't care about finding a pearl. She didn't care about anything, really, because for right now, the only thing that mattered was being with the person standing right in front of her. She prayed he felt the same way.

Echoes of music from the ball could still be heard, and she took a step back and held out her arm.

"Dance with me," she smiled.

Draco nervously glanced at his feet. "I-I don't know how to dance."

She raised her eyebrow. "Draco Malfoy doesn't know how to dance? You're kidding."

He smirked and took a step forward, placing his hand on the small of her back and taking her hand in his. "Teach me."

So she led him into a waltz, teaching him where to place his hands, how to step to the rhythm of the music, and when to spin her so that her hair twirled around in all the right places. And soon enough the two were no longer dancing to the echoes of the music from the ball, but to their own shared rhythm, and as Ivy felt the world spin around her, everything seemed just perfect.

But the world did not stop spinning.

She began to feel very lightheaded, and watched as her surroundings contorted into one large blurred image, and her eyelids felt much heavier, and she no longer had the strength to stand so her knees buckled beneath her and she slipped from Draco's hands and sank to the floor.

Draco left her there and walked over to where she set down her goblet, picked it up, and examined it.

"Feeling a little dizzy, Stillwater?" he murmured. "Must've been something in your drink."

Ivy lifted her head with great effort and tried her best to remember how to speak. "Wh...wha...?"

He set the goblet down and walked over to where she lay, kneeling in front of her. "I'm sorry. But this is for your own good."

The last thing Ivy saw was Draco run his fingers over her eyes as he closed them and she surrendered to a deep, deep sleep.

a/n: ivy not u getting poisoned!!! 😔✋

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