03. The Moon and Her Stars

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"And if you're ever feeling lonely, just look at the moon. Someone, somewhere, is looking at it too." - someone on pinterest


"Ivy, wake up! Come on, there's someone we want you to meet!"

Ivy groaned and opened one eye to find Hermione excitedly opening the curtains to the window in their dorm room. Sunlight poured in, and Ivy shielded her face with her arm before turning over and burying herself in her covers. "I'm asleep. I can't hear you," she muttered.

Hermione skipped over and plopped down at the end of Ivy's bed, gently shaking her legs. "Rise and shine," she sang.

"Hermione, it's Saturday. Have you ever heard of sleeping in?" Ivy complained from underneath her blanket.

"You've slept in enough already!" Hermione laughed. "We're going over to Hagrid's for tea. You know, the gamekeeper."

Ivy grunted to show she was listening. She had seen Hagrid when he sat up at the staffs' table during meals, and he always sent a friendly smile and wave to her and the trio. She wasn't taking his Care of Magical Creatures class (Harry, Ron, and Hermione warned her against it) but she felt as though he was a great teacher nonetheless.

Hermione continued. "You haven't had a chance to meet him yet, but Harry, Ron, and I go over and visit every so often. You're part of the group now, so you're coming with us," she beamed. "The boys are already waiting for us in the Common Room."

Ivy finally sat up in her bed and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. "What time is it?" she yawned.

"Time for you to get up, come on!" Hermione begged. She stood and walked over to the door. "Come down after you finish getting dressed so we can all eat breakfast, okay? Oh, and Ron told me to tell you to hurry it up - I don't think he's ever gone this long without a meal." She scoffed in amusement and left the room, closing the door behind her.

"Alright, alright!" Ivy laughed. She gazed out the window from her bed; it was a beautiful day out. The trees swayed merrily in the breeze, and there wasn't a cloud to be seen in the deep blue sky.

Ivy couldn't help but notice that the sky was the same light blue as Draco's eyes. She shook her head - why was she thinking of him at a time like this? Ever since the day she was forced to sit next to him in Potions, he had shown her nothing but contempt. Her first week at Hogwarts had been just fine except for the fact that he glared at her direction every chance he got, and Ivy was starting to get sick of it.

Today, she decided, was going to be all about spending time with her friends, and she was going to make sure that nothing would distract her from that.

After Ivy finished getting ready, she met in the Common Room with Hermione, Harry, and Ron ("Blimey, took you long enough. Some of us are starving, you know!") and they ate a hearty breakfast in the Great Hall before leaving the school to walk down to Hagrid's hut. Harry knocked on the door, and they heard loud scratches and muffled footsteps from inside the hut. It sounded as if Hagrid was wrestling something away from the door.

Ivy gulped and turned to her friends. "Is he okay in there?" she asked nervously.

They all nodded. "Happens every time, don't worry" said Ron. "Just watch. He's going to open the door a little, tell Fang to get back, and then let us in. In five, four..."

"Wait!" Ivy hissed. "Who's Fang?"


More scratches and heavy footsteps were heard.

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