11. Fred And George Are Up To Something (Again)

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"What is life without a little risk?" - sirius black


The day of the Valentine's Ball had finally arrived, and it was the only thing students talked about during lessons. Everyone wanted to know who was going with who, as well as what regal gowns and robes they were going to wear. Ivy couldn't help but smile as she saw students nervously approach one another after classes, asking if they would like to go to the ball together. It was now the end of the school day, and Ivy and the trio were headed to the common room to spend some time together before Harry, Ron, and Hermione went to the ball that evening.

"Oh, I just love Valentine's Day!" gushed Hermione. "Love is in the air, can't you feel it?"

"I can feel it alright," grumbled Ron. "Why else do you think I'm holding my breath?"

Ivy laughed. "I can't wait to see what you guys are going to wear to the ball! I've always wanted to wear a beautiful gown myself," she sighed dreamily.

Harry poked her arm playfully. "It's not too late to change your mind about not going, you know." He said, turning to the portrait of the Fat Lady. "Fortuna Major."

Ivy sighed as they all stepped through the portrait hole. She really, really wanted to go to the ball with her friends. But she also really, really wanted to find a pearl. The sooner she did, the sooner the Hunt would be over, and the sooner the Hunt was over, the better.

When they entered the common room, Fred and George were huddled together with their backs facing the portrait hole, kneeling over something on the ground. They were whispering frantically back and forth, and had not heard Ivy and the trio enter the room.

"...do we do with it, George?"

"Flush it down the toilet, of course." whispered George sarcastically. "Although I would like to see what happens if we tried."

Ivy and the trio exchanged glances and shrugged, walking over to where the twins were huddled.

"Flush what down the toilet?" asked Ron, peeking over their shoulders.

The twins yelped in surprise and quickly stood, clearly hiding something behind their backs.

"None of your business, little brother," said Fred.

"Honestly, have you ever heard of knocking?" asked George. "We have a right to privacy, you know. You're all being very rude by intruding upon it," he said, shaking his head.

"Oh, come off it." said Hermione. "What's that you're hiding?"

"Quick! Over there!" exclaimed Fred, pointing to the other side of the common room. "What is that thing? It's absolutely hideous!"

Everyone turned to see what Fred was pointing at, while Fred and George bolted towards the staircase towards the boy's dorm.

"I can't see anything!" said Ron. He turned to the twins. "Hey! Where're you going?"

The twins reached the first step and turned around again.

"Our dorms, of course," they said together, rolling their eyes.

Ron huffed. "You two are up to something, I can feel it. Go on up to your dorms, then. And you better not get yourselves into trouble, either. You can't go to the ball if you're in detention."

"Oh, about the ball-" said Fred.

"-we decided we aren't going," finished George.

"In case you haven't noticed, Ronniekins, we're rather busy at the moment. So if you'll excuse us." The twins turned and rushed up the staircase, leaving everyone staring after them, a million questions buzzing in their heads.

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