Hello Alba

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Alba's POV

"Hello Alba." Crusher says quietly, not taking his eyes off Roger.  I swallow, trying to ignore the feeling of having a racing heartbeat in half a dozen places.  I hate how scared I am of Crusher.  But more than that, I hate how fucking obvious it is that I'm afraid of Crusher.  Everyone stares at me nervously, wondering how I got in with someone like Crusher.  Precious stares at me accusingly from next to Tristan and I glower at her.

"Hi Jack." I reply nervously; he finally takes his eyes away from Roger.  He looks at me, raising an eyebrow and nodding in satisfaction at my outfit.  I swallow and look at the ceiling, my face burning as he openly imagines me back in his house and tied to the bed in that lingerie.  I glare at the ceiling, but I know if I challenge him now, he'll floor me.  I need to be strong now - it's more than my worthless life on the line now.

I feel Crusher look away and I snap my head to face him as the image of myself in lingerie floats into my head.  I look at Crusher, feeling nothing but spite.  I might not be much of a fighter, but I can sure as hell pop that wee perverted bubble he has going!  I strut up to him and stand squarely in front of him.  He looks me up and down, his dark eyes roaming my skin hungrily.  I bend down to be level with his face and take in a slow, deep breath through my nose; my eyes closing peacefully.

When I open them, Crusher's breaths are coming in slightly shorter drags.  I wink at him as I open my mouth.  This is going to feel good, I think blissfully.

"I'M WEARING GRANNY PANTS YOU CREEP!" I shout at the top of my voice; making everyone in the room jump half a mile.  Crusher's eyes suddenly dull as he stares at my jeans, imagining me in granny pants.  Ha, I think as I watch his face fall, serves you right for being perverted!

Crusher's face changes and I freeze.  He didn't hear that - he didn't hear that!!  I pray frantically as Crusher stands up, forcing me to take a few stumbles back.

"Yes, yes he did." Crusher whispers before the back of his hand collides with my cheekbone, sending me stumbling across the room.

"Oi!" Gordon shouts; jerking upright, outraged.  Crusher turns, surprised, and I force myself to keep upright even though the room is tilting sickeningly.

"Got some'n ti say?" Crusher challenges quietly and Gordon steps up to him, eyes blazing.

"Aye, just one thing." Gordon replies politely before drawing his arm back and punching Crusher hard in the nose, causing him to stumble and land on his backside.  I muffle a giggle at the look of shock on Crusher's face...I actually love Gordon so much right now!

Crusher leaps to his feet and I take an automatic step back as he lunges; but for once, he isn't heading for me.  I watch, shocked, as he heads for Gordon...I don't think I can move!  I panic as I watch Gordon struggle with Crusher.

Just as I go to move and get Crusher off Gordon, Colin yanks me back.  I gasp, shocked, as his hand covers my brand.  That feels amazing!  The pressure increases on my brand for a moment, and for a few seconds, it's too hard and my eyes flutter slightly as my stomach does back flips.  I can't tell if I like this feeling.

What in the name of God are you thinking Alba?!  Colin demands as I struggle against him.

I'm thinking that you're being a prick!!  I scream at him as I watch Crusher wind Gordon.  Colin lets me go, shocked, and I hurtle between Crusher and Gordon.  I time it badly and end up catching Crusher's punch with my rib.

"Ohh," I moan, pressing down on my rib.  I think he broke it.  I take a deep breath and stand upright, doing my best to protect Gordon.

"Give it up, Fife." Crusher sneers and I glare at him.

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