Part 25 + Notice: Controlled

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Raven's pov

Terra's hands are squeezing my neck. I can't do anything in my current state. My vision starts to darken. I notice something before I hear the door open. Terra's eyes, they are green rather than their normal blue.

Suddenly the pressure of her grip is gone from my neck. I gasp for air, feeling the coolness fill my lungs again. I cough as I regain my sight. Nightwing is fighting Terra. He's obviously trying not to seriously hurt her while trying to control her.

"I think Terra is being controlled." I say as loudly as I can.

Nightwing suddenly forcefully pins Terra to the ground and puts cuffs on her. She's struggling beneath him. He pulls her on to her feet and looks her in the eye.

"Who are you?" He asks her.

She smiles at him, but doesn't say a word.

"I'll get Lanely to look at her." Nightwing says as Alfred walks in.

Alfred asses the situation and gestures towards the door.

"Miss Lanely is in the common room. I shall attend to Miss Roth." He says coming over and checking my health.

After several checks, some bandaging, and a cast I'm mostly back on my feet thanks to some crutches. Thankfully my leg isn't broken, but my ankle is sprained pretty badly. I hobble down the hallway to Cy's makeshift office.

As soon as I crack open the door Cy greets me warmly. He's sitting on a stool next to a medium sized machine.

"Raven! How you doin' now girl?" He asks.

"Sprained ankle and a few cuts, but pretty okay. How's the machine to get the people out of the crystal going?" I ask sitting down on a spare chair.

He sighs and looks at the machine he's working on.

"It's coming along, but I'm worried about testing. I don't want to accidentally hurt or, even worse, kill someone." He looks at a box of crystals that Nightwing must have brought.

"I'm sure you'll do fine. You always made good inventions. I have no doubt that you can do it." I reassure him.

"Thanks Raven. How're you doing though?" He asks.

"Other than just coming back from being kidnapped, my boyfriend being trapped in a crystal, and my powers not working, I'm doing okay." I say sarcastically.

"Wait, you're powers aren't working?" Cy says shocked with a wave of concern crossing his face.

Author's note

Sorry for the short update. I have an exam coming up and wasn't able to make a longer update. Next week's update will be longer, but slightly delayed. Thanks for reading and stay safe! (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

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