Part 32: Bio

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Raven pov

"What's the problem?" I ask Cy.

"Well, we got here just as she was leaving. We almost caught her, but she had a device on that gave her speed comparable to Kid Flash's speed. The bad news is the contraption was being powered by crystals. Even worse news is it seems she used a device powered by crystals to get rid of the inventor and any work that could help us." Cy explains.

"One piece of good news is Nightwing managed to get a small tracker on her and he's currently trailing her." Cy lets out a breath, obviously stressing over the events.

We decided it was best for Cy and Bee to return while Nightwing continues to track her. Batman has taken on the task of finding out who this villain is and who their sister is. Unfortunately Beth didn't catch any information due to focussing on finding the location of the villain.

I've been wracking my brain trying to remember or get an idea of who the villain's sister could be, but everything during that period is foggy. I decide to go screw in some panels on to the machine Cy has been working on.

I don't have anything to do today but worry about everything. Tomorrow I'll be training a kid who could help Terra get back to her normal life. Beth gave me a full written description and bio on his abilities, personality, and background.

His name is Landon and he is only 10 years old. He started showing signs of superpowers at age 6 when he happened to come into contact with another superpower wielding person.

Landon was at the bank with his mother and a villain was using explosive abilitiess to rob the place. Without any control he used his suppression powers to turn the villain's powers against them. The villain ended up combusting due to having their powers turned inwards.

Since then Landon's parents abandoned him out of fear. The kid has been surviving in foster care until Batman found him and took him in as part of the hero school he's set up. Landon is a very emotional child according to Beth's notes, but he doesn't know how to control them in relation to powers.

I don't know how much I'll be able to help him, but hopefully I can do something for him. I've never taught anyone how to do anything, excluding that short time Star and I exchanged bodies, so I don't know where to even start.

I sigh as I screw in the last panel. I haven't felt right since this morning when I had that nightmare. Maybe I'll see if Alfred or Beth need help right now. I need to fill up my day and get my mind off of things.

Author's note

Hello everyone, I am so sorry for the short and delayed update. I have some good news and some bad news. Good news is this fanfic will be getting an overhaul eventually. This was my first time writing anything like this and publishing it, so I feel like it could be so much better (we'll ignore the part where I didn't even plan all of it out). So eventually I will go through and revamp the story, unfortunately it won't be on a super consistent basis. Now the bad news, I'm going on a short hiatus due to finals coming up. It won't be too long, I promise!

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