Part 35: The End

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Raven's pov

Could she really bring Garfield back? What does she want from me? Would I be able to be with Garfield again?

Nightwing and Cy step between Ria and me, breaking my thoughts.

"We don't make deals with villains." Nightwing says.

Ria stares at him for a moment before scoffing.

"That is not your decision though sweetheart. It is Raven's decision. Don't you want your cute little green boyfriend back?" She says staring into my eyes.

I can feel something inside me, urging me to take her offer. It feels like a fog is taking over me. Without realizing it I've pushed past Nightwing and Cy to face Ria.

"That's right. You want him back don't you, Rae?" She says sweetly.

I reach out to her. I can faintly hear Nightwing and Cy yelling for me to get away, but they must be controlled too since they aren't trying to physically stop me. Just as I'm about to touch her I remember something.

That second night after Garfield came back. That first kiss. That flustered look on his face afterwards. That sleepless night with my heart beating out of my chest. The memory knocked me out of whatever trance Ria was using against me.

My vision is blurry and I suddenly stumble back, falling on my butt dizzy. She's glaring at me with her fists clenched at her sides. That obviously made her unhappy.

"You're not very obedient, are you?" Ria says through clenched teeth.

I scoot away from her, but she's faster than me in my dazed state. She has a firm grasp on my ankle and pulls me towards the bars of her cell. I try to kick her off, but I'm still recovering and don't have enough force.

I can feel my frustration levels rising. If I had my powers right now I could be done with her in minutes. Then no one would be manipulated ever again.

I notice a green glow coming from the cave entrance where the plane flew through. Who I can only assume is Star comes flying in carrying something or rather someone. A very short someone. Star flies closer, her eyes glowing green.

She shoots a bolt at the cell, close to Ria's arm. Ria pulls back from the bolt, allowing me to get away. Star puts the person she was carrying down and flies over in front of me.

I can hear the person start murmuring "Azarath Metrion Zinthos". It must be Landon. I taught him to use a mantra as a way of stabilizing his emotions and he took a liking to my mantra.

Suddenly Star's green glow becomes brighter. It's almost blinding to stare at her. I turn away shielding my eyes. I hear several blasts before everything goes quiet.

I open my eyes, squinting as my eyes adjust. I see Star still in front of the cell, but not glowing anymore. Nightwing and Cy have been released from their trance and Nightwing is coming towards me. Cy walks off to the side where Landon is standing, looking tired.

Nightwing helps me to my feet. I still feel wobbly and lean on Nightwing. Looking past Star I can see Ria huddled in a corner looking terrified. In the center of her cell is a large hole, threatening to take her if she stumbles.

"Don't worry! I suppressed her powers." Landon says walking over to me with the help of Cy.

I hug him glad he's safe.

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