Part 27: Forgiveness

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Beast Boy's pov

I don't even know how long I've been stuck in here. I can faintly sense someone, but I don't know who. That voice from before hasn't come back again. I feel so... Lonely.

I wonder what Rae is doing. Did she get her leg fixed up? Is she doing alright? Is she eating properly? Being stuck in here is so frustrating.

I start doing push-ups to pass the time. Unfortunately since being stuck in here I haven't felt tired so I can't even sleep to pass the time. I suppose the good thing is I don't get hungry or need to use the bathroom here.

A faint groan causes me to freeze mid push-up. A very soft mumble is coming from the wall to my right. I quietly crawl over to the wall and press my ear against it.


Is all I can make out.

Hello? Are you okay there?

I ask, but no reply. That must be the voice I heard before. He didn't sound so good back then either.

Another faint groan comes from the wall.

Can I help you somehow?

I hear something shifting.

Share... Share your power with me...

The voice strains to whisper through the wall.

How do I do that?

P-put a hand on the wall... and focus y-your energy outwards...

I do as he says. I close my eyes and focus. It's strange. I can feel the energy in my body flow through my crystal into the other. It's like a scanner, I can see everything my energy passes through.

I can "see" another person collapsed on the ground of their crystal. Their breathing is shallow and seems to be unconscious. I continue to focus my energy outwards.

Suddenly I feel a shift. The walls of my crystal start melding with the other. Soon enough I have a new roommate, er... Crystalmate.
Raven's pov

Even without my powers I can feel the jealousy radiating from Nightwing. I think I'll keep messing with him for a little bit.

"I think I heard Star talking about how easy it was to do the photoshoot with him since he was so nice." I say as if I'm just thinking out loud.

In reality Star hardly talks about her modeling work. The only work related talks we have revolve around hero business.

"Well, I just don't think they mesh well." Nightwing says firmly.

"Who do you think would mesh well with her?" I ask trying not to giggle.

He looks at me. Even though he is wearing a mask over his eyes I can tell he is shooting me daggers.

"Anyone but him." He finally mutters.

"Oh! So maybe Aqualad? They got pretty close when Titans East came to help us." I continue to tease.

Nightwing's expression falls at the mention of the past. We sit in silence for a while before Nightwing gets up and sits on the coffee table in front of me.

"Rachel... No. Raven, I just want to tell you that I'm sorry. Five years ago I was in a bad place. I was stressed out, I was scared, and it was a lot to take in at that time. I took it out on everyone, especially Beast Boy, and that wasn't okay. I know we'll never go back to how things were, but maybe we could slowly become friends again?" He says earnestly.

I stare at Nightwing. He looks so... Lost. I want to reach out and hug him, but I'm still not willing to forgive everything right now. I put a hand on his.

"I'm not going to forgive you for everything that has happened, but I'm willing to try. You should talk to everyone else too, especially Star." I say.

"I don't know if Star will even talk to me. I honestly wouldn't blame her if she doesn't." He sighs.

"You'll probably have trouble getting her to not run away, but after that you'll be surprised." I smile.

He looks at me with a little bit of hope.

The sound of rustling pulls both of us out of the moment. We look over at the other couch where Terra is waking up. Nightwing quickly goes over to her.

She groggily looks up at him. Startled she shoots up and moves away from him. She looks around obviously scared.

"Terra, do you know where you are?" I ask softly.

Her head snaps to me, her blue eyes pleading for help.

"It's okay, we aren't going to hurt you." I say calmly.

"W-where am I? How did I get here?" She asks.

"Calm down. You're at Wayne Manor. We'll explain everything in a moment, but I need to tell you something important. Are you listening carefully?" I ask.

She nods, calming down but still alert.

"Someone was influencing you with their powers and you are still at risk of being fully controlled." I say slowly.

I can see her processing my words.

"Is that why I'm here? To be surveyed?" She asks.

"You came for a different reason, but that's less important." I say.

Terra pauses, concern spreading across her face.

"There's a voice in my head that keeps telling me to do things." She says horrified.

"That's good you notice them, it means you won't be influenced by them." I explain.

She nods, still looking scared.

"Don't worry, we'll keep you safe and even if you get taken control of we'll figure it out." I say reassuring her.

She faintly smiles at me, calming down. After seeing her like that I can't stay mad at her. Even my jealousy has started to disappear.

Alfred appears by the door.

"Miss Roth, Mister Stone urgently requests you in his workshop." Alfred announces to me.

I nod and slowly get up with my crutches. I say goodbye to Terra and leave her with Nightwing. I make my way as quickly as I can to Cy.

When I enter the workshop Cy is over by the workbench. I go over to him. He turns to face me, his eyes filled with worry and fear.

My heart sinks. Whatever this is it can't be good.

Find me on Instagram @NorbyProulx for updates on current/upcoming projects, delays, and some art! (◍•ᴗ•◍)

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