Part 12: Mandatory Meeting

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Raven pov

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. My body is intertwined with Gar's on the couch, all wrapped up in a blanket. We must have fallen asleep while watching a movie. I try to reach for my phone that is on the table in front of me. However, Gar's arms are locked around me and he isn't showing signs of waking up.

With my powers I open a small portal beneath the phone, portalling it into my hand. I answer the call.

"Friend Raven!" Star's voice loudly exclaims.

"Shhh. I can't talk loudly, because Gar is still asleep." I say softly.

"Oooh. Did you two do the sleep together?" Star asks innocently.

I can feel my cheeks heat up.

"N-no Star. We fell asleep watching a movie." I say flustered.

"Is that not the sleeping together?" Star asks confused.

"No... No it's not. Also, please do not ask what that really is." I say sighing.

"Give me the moment friend Raven." Star says. In the background I hear her yell "MR GREY! WHAT DOES THE SLEEPING TOGETHER MEAN?"

After a short pause and a voice, too faint to hear, explaining what that sentence means I hear Star gasp.

"Oh my! I did not know that means to create baby! I am very sorry friend Raven!" She exclaims.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and sigh.

"It's fine. What did you actually call me for?" I ask.

"Batman has asked for all of the old Teen Titans and Bumblebee from Titans East." Star says.

Gar starts to stir, pulling me closer to him. I softly pat his chest, causing him to fall back asleep.

"Is it mandatory?" I ask, smiling at Gar.

"Oh yes! He said it is of the utmost importance." She replies.

"I guess I have to go then. When is it?" I start wondering whether Gar is included or not.

"It is in a week! I think friend Beast Boy should also come because Batman said all Titans!" Star says.

"I'll ask him if he wants to come. I don't want to force him. I gotta go now." I say.

"Goodbye friend Raven! I hope to see you and friend Beast Boy in a week!" Star says then hangs up.

I sigh, putting the phone down and resting my head on Gar's chest. I have no idea how he'll react when I ask him to join us. He shifts underneath me, raising a hand to rub his eyes. He looks at me and smiles.

"Good morning there Rae." His voice is deep and rough from sleep.

My cheeks flush and I smile back.

"Good morning Gar." I say.

"What do you want to do today?" He asks, putting an arm behind his head.

I start getting up from the couch. I need to tell him sooner rather than later about the mandatory meeting with Batman.

"Well, why don't we stay home." I say, stretching my legs and heading to the kitchen.

I can hear Gar get up from the couch and follow behind me.

"That's nice, but why don't we go out for a walk or something?" He suggests.

"You don't want to get seen though, right?" I ask confused.

He sits down at the counter while I shift through the fridge, trying to find where I put the eggs and tofu.

"I don't think I'll mind anymore. I had planned to leave again, but something is worth staying for." He says winking at me playfully.

Gosh, he says the cheesiest things, but it works so well. I finally find the eggs and tofu. Getting out a pan, I work up the nerve to tell him about the mandatory meeting.

"Gar, there's a meeting that Star told me I have to go to." I say.

"What for? Is it related to your job at the bookstore?" He asks.

"No, hero stuff..." I trail off.

"I thought you left the hero life, Rae?" He says confused.

"Batman asked all old Teen Titans members and Bumblebee from Titan's East to come see him." I say sighing.

"Does that include me?" He asks.

I nod, unable to read his face. He's not emitting any emotions either. I put together scrambled eggs and sautee the tofu in silence.

I finish cooking and Gar is still silent. It's starting to worry me. I've never seen him this quiet.

I put the plate of cooked tofu in front of Gar and sit next to him with my scrambled eggs. He's staring blankly into the distance. I lightly touch his arm.

"You don't have to go, Gar." I say gently.

He turns to me, his eyes focus on mine and he let's out a sigh.

"No, but I should. Especially if I plan to stick around. I'll see them eventually so might as well get it out of the way. Plus I'm sure it'll be fine with you there." He says trying to be cheesy, but his voice gives away his dread.

We finish breakfast and get dressed for our day out. I'm wearing a puffy black jacket, black long sleeve shirt, dark wash jeans, and my combat boots. Gar is wearing a denim jacket with a white hoodie underneath, dark jeans and boots.

We walk out holding hands. The day is overcast and chilly, but something about it makes it feel cozy. Gar squeezes my hand and I suddenly realize why it feels cozy.

I have him by my side.

Author's note
Hey guys, I missed y'all. I hope y'all had a nice Thanksgiving! We are back and with a consistent schedule that will update every Saturday!

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