Prologue (EDITED)

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A cold breeze rushes through the streets of Jump City. The cloudy sky further chills the air causing people to pull their coats tightly around them. Thanks to the weather, many people are taking shelter from the harsh weather in shops or cafés. Even a quaint bookstore had more visitors than usual.

From the outside it seemed like a normal little bookstore, however, once inside people would lose track of time enjoying themselves inside the haven. The bookstore did not just provide books, but tea or coffee. On chilly days like these hot cocoa would also be sold.

Little seating areas are scattered around the bookstore. A small table for two is right by the front windows. Near the register is a small beverage station. In the middle of the store, hidden among the bookshelves are two loveseats flanking a larger couch. Lastly, there is a small seat for two in the back corner of the store for reading in peace.

The bell above the door softly chimes as a bundled up, young girl enters the bookstore.

The woman behind the register puts her hot cup of tea down and greets the customer. The girl gives a nod and walks towards the new arrivals.

After not finding what she is looking for she walks up to the counter. The woman smiles at the girls and asks her what she needs.

"Hi, I'm wondering if you have the latest book Blind Love?" The girl asks shyly.

The woman thinks for a moment and checks her computer.

"I'm sorry, we won't have that book for another week." She replies.

The girl pouts, but accepts the fact she'll have to wait for a whole week for her favorite story to continue. Suddenly a wave of dizziness overcomes her. The girl looks at the woman, who looks back at her with concern.

"Are you alright?" The woman asks.

Without control of her own actions the girl asks "yes, I'm sorry. What's your name?"

"My name is Rachel." The woman replies, tucking a lock of dark purple hair behind her ear.

"Thank you so much, Rachel! I'll come back next week!" The girl says and leaves.

Rachel thinks the encounter was strange, but she pushes aside the notion.

Several hours later

The bookstore is empty and closing time is ten minutes away. The bookstore owner comes out from the long hallway that leads back into the storage area. The owner was an older woman named Beth Lanely. Only her greying hair gave away her age. She used to be a superhero before she ran the bookstore. No one knows why she went into retirement, but she still has many heroes asking for her skills.

"Rachel dear, can you get me that book on the top shelf?" She asks.

Rachel raises her hand and dark matter appears around her hand. She directs it to the specified book. She surrounds it and pulls it from the shelf, levitating the book with the dark field. She grips the book and hands it to Beth.

Rachel wasn't just another bookstore employee, she used to be a superhero. However, she left that life behind five years ago. She's hidden her hero side and has been living as a normal human being since then. Beth is the only one who knows about her powers. Well, at least anyone she sees anymore.

"Thank you dear. Now come have a cup of tea with me by the window." Beth says.

Rachel steps out from behind the counter and flips the sign to "closed" as she passes by the door. Taking a seat, Rachel stares out the window. The sky is already dark due to the heavy cloud cover.

Beth sits down across from Rachel with two mugs of tea.

"Perfect day for hot drinks, isn't it?" Beth smiles.

Rachel nods and takes her cup. Beth reaches into her pocket and pulls out a small box with a bow. She sets it down in the center of the table.

"Happy twenty-first birthday, Rachel." Beth says warmly.

Rachel freezes, a bit surprised because she had always received books in the past. She of course loved the books. Beth would go out of her way to find Rachel spell books for her birthday.

Beth touches Rachel's hand softly, pulling her out of her shock. Rachel takes the small box. Before opening it she looks at Beth who nods, indicating she may open it.

Rachel carefully unties the bow and opens the box. Inside is a small, purple amethyst necklace. It's beautiful. Rachel takes a deep breath, taking in the feeling of happiness.

"Thank you so much. I love it. Can you help me put it on?" Rachel asks, handing the box to Beth.

Beth smiles, standing up and walking behind Rachel.

"I wanted to get you something special. 21 is a large milestone, dear." Beth says as she clasps the necklace around Rachel's neck.

"Thank you. Really. I'll wear it everyday." Rachel smiles, softly touching the gem.

"You're welcome. Now let's close up so you can go home and enjoy the last bit of your birthday." Beth smiles.


After closing up Rachel checks her phone. There's two texts in a group chat. Rachel ducks down an empty alleyway. She looks to make sure no one is watching before placing her hand out in front of her. A dark, circular field hovers in front of Rachel. She steps through it and appears in her apartment.

Light streams in from the window by the couch. She places her bag down and sighs. She slips off her shoes and trudges over to a seat she put by the window months ago.

Rachel unlocks her phone as she looks out on the city. She can see the tower from the window. A tower on an island in the shape of a T is just off the coast.

Rachel sighs, the memories are too vivid. It's better to focus on the here and now. She taps the group chat notification. It's a message from both Starfire and Cyborg.

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