Part 1: The Downfall

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Raven pov

I check my notification and smile when I see it's the group chat with Starfire and Cyborg. I open the chat.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRIEND RAVEN. I miss you so very much. Next time I have job nearby I will visit you and we can have the sleepover and go shopping! -Starfire/kory

Star has gotten much better at speaking and writing, but she still has a few errors. I think it's cute and in tune with her personality so I never correct her. I scroll down to read Cy's text next.

Hey birthday girl! You better have a good birthday or I'll have to come out there with games, movies, and popcorn. I know how much you hate doing those things, so you better have a good birthday! -Cy/Victor

Cy has always been like an older brother to me and he treats me like a little, sometimes scary, sister. I smile at both texts and take a deep breath. I let myself feel the happiness of having them as friends and caring for me.

Over the last five years I've been learning how to let myself feel emotions. I've been slowly allowing myself to feel more and more without my powers going out of control. I can tell when my powers are close to spinning out of control now. When I feel like they're going out of control I meditate or take a deep breath to regain control.

I'm much happier now being able to feel emotions without being scared of hurting people around me. I've also been able to keep relationships better. Star and Cy aren't scared to try and be closer with me anymore.

When we first split they weren't sure how to talk to me or if I even wanted to talk to them. However, the first few months I tried hard to convey my feelings and keep in touch with them. They were thrilled and have been accepting of my awkward attempts of friendliness and my backslides of being distant. Now you wouldn't even know I use to struggle so much.

I grab the green monkey plushie from my couch and sit down by the window with my phone. I start typing in the chat.

Thank you for the birthday wish Star. I hope you get a job nearby soon. If you do I'll take you to a new cafe that I'm sure you'll like. Maybe if I get some time off from work I'll come visit you instead. -Raven/Rachel

Next up is responding to Cy.

It's a good thing I enjoyed my birthday then. That sounds like absolute torture. I hope things are going well with the Justice League and Bee. -Raven/Rachel

I put my phone down once the messages are sent. I look out the window at the city. Since I'm on the eighth floor I can see the old Teen Titan's tower peaking over the buildings. It reminds me of the good times... And the bad. I let out a heavy sigh as I remember the start of the downfall.
Five years earlier

It had been three months and Beast Boy was having a hard time getting over Terra. It didn't help that Robin and Starfire started dating soon after and acted very... cutesy together. I could tell it made Beast Boy think of Terra.

Over the past few missions Beast Boy has been making mistakes, sometimes the bad guys even get away. He either gets easily beaten by the enemy or he accidentally hits one of us when he transforms into animals. It has been... Rough to say the least.

Recently Robin has gotten stressed and has been distant to everyone even Starfire, which is unusual. It was 6am when Robin called everyone into the common room.

We all stumbled out half asleep and irritated by the early wakeup call.

"I have some news you guys." Robin says smiling.

"We can go back to bed? That's great news." Cyborg says, closing his eyes and tilting his head to one side pretending to be asleep standing up.

"No, I'm going to be going to Gotham city to work with Batman." Robin says proudly.

"For how long?" I ask with irritation wondering why he woke us up for something that could easily wait another hour or two.

"Permanently." Robin says. The room goes quiet as we all take in what he said.

"Y-you're leaving the Titans? When?" Beast Boy asks looking shocked.

"I will be, yes. I'm leaving in a week and that's why I need you to get it together, so I can leave without worrying about the city and you guys." Robin says sternly.

I feel a wave of pain and heartbreak coming from Starfire. I look over at Starfire and she's starting to cry. She suddenly flies out of the room. From Starfire's reaction Robin hasn't even discussed this decision with her.

"IN A WEEK? Man, you can't just not talk to us about it then leave suddenly! Why didn't you tell us?" Cyborg says, waves of hurt and betrayal flow from him and wash over me.

"Why? It's my decision in the end. Also if you haven't noticed I've been pretty busy with making sure he" Robin gestures to Beast Boy "doesn't ruin every mission."

"It is your decision, but more of a warning would have been nice. Maybe even telling us that you, I don't know... GOT THE DAMN OFFER? Also BB is trying, but he just hasn't been feeling it. You're the one who insists on him still going out before he feels ready." Cyborg says frustrated.

"Warning? I'm giving you a warning now. Is a week not enough? Did you want a six month notice? Sorry, but villains don't stop doing crime for six months while we figure out what to do." Robin says getting angrier. He turns to Beast Boy. "And you. You need to move on and get over it. I've given you time, but you just keep making the same mistakes. Grow up Beast Boy." Robin says emphasizing the word boy.

Beast Boy says nothing. I can feel the pain radiating off of him as he walks past us down the hall to his room. Cyborg looks at Robin disgusted and walks after Beast Boy. Robin turns to me, almost challenging me to say something. I'm barely controlling my emotions after everything that just happened, so open a portal to the roof and leave Robin alone in the common room.

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