Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

 ‘Hey small person what you doing in our dressing room?’ I turned round to see Tre smiling at me, I looked over at Billie who was wearing his signature red tie with a black shirt and black skinny’s his hair was unbelievably fluffy, but the look on his face was confusion, which was the same for Mike.

Before I could even begin to explain myself, Billie noticed Adrienne,

‘Adie?’ the confusion on his face melted away as his face lit up into the sweetest smile, he ran over to her and gave her a kiss before returning his gaze to me,

‘Billie this is Grace, she’s come a long way to meet you’ Adrienne looked over to me and smiled with comforted me a little, I looked over to Billie and his face softened as he smiled at me, he didn’t seem angry at the fact I just broke into his dressing room.

‘Hi’ Billie seemed quite happy

‘Hey’ I returned his greeting but I still couldn’t believe I was actually in the presence of Green Day

‘Grace, why don’t you tell Billie what you told me?’ Adrienne broke the awkward silence

‘Oh yeah, ermmm okay …Well, I haven’t got any real parents…what I mean is, I have been fostered all my life, I have just ran away from a family to come here, they weren’t very good people, and well I figured I would be better on my own… but through all the years of being alone, I have always listened to your music, and it’s always given me the feeling of carrying on and to never stop trying I have been so alone my whole life and well your music has kept me company it’s just helped me a lot I guess…and…well that’s it really’ I took a deep breath as I didn’t breath the whole way through my speech, I looked round and all the faces seemed to look the same… sad,

Until Tre launched himself towards me and squeezed me so hard I honestly thought I saw a bright light at one point,

‘That’s so sad Grace, I know it’s my drumming that keeps you happy, but you don’t have to say it too loud because Mike and Billie might get a little upset’ I giggled as he released me as I could finally breath,

‘Grace…I don’t know what to say but hearing that is amazing! You don’t realise how great it feels to hear your music has helped someone through such hard times’ Billie walked over to me and pulled me in for a hug,

‘I told you sweetie’ Adrienne said smiling,

‘Told her what?’ Billie looked confused

‘Grace thought you would be mad, but I told her you wouldn’t be’ Billie laughed and turned to me

‘Am not that kind of guy, I think it’s awesome you snook in just to tell your idols that!’

‘Yeah you’re a little rebel squirt’ Mike said as he passed and ruffled my hair, its true I was so small for my age,

‘How old are ya kid?’ Tre asked bouncing up to me

‘I have just turned 15 last week’ 

‘Awww you’re only a baba! What did you get for your birthday?’ Tre jumped down onto the seat next to me,

‘ermmm…nothing’ I looked down at the ground, it didn’t bother me, I never got anything not even for Christmas but because I never had anything, I didn’t really want anything it was just something I have accepted,

‘Nothing!’ Billie seemed really surprised, I looked up to see Tre nearly crying, I giggled and gave him a hug

‘It’s okay, am used to it’ I was trying to reassure Tre he began to cheer up a little and had a faint smile,

‘Just because you’re used to it doesn’t make it right kid’ Mike looked sympathetic

‘Well thank you for your kindness, it’s been amazing meeting you all’ I was beginning to feel them feel sorry for me and that is exactly what I didn’t want also I didn’t want to intrude any more then I already had, I felt rude so I began to make my way out of the door,

‘Where do you think you’re going tiny?’ Billie stood in front of me and closed the door

‘Ermmm… am not too sure just out?’ I was confused by his question

 ‘Does this mean I get to keep her? Pleeasseeeeeeee!!!!’ Tre was whining like a small child, I was trying not to laugh too much

‘Why don’t you hang back here for a while, we have hours to kill, the staging’s not totally up yet, and we have 6 hours before we have to be back ready to go on stage, and am guessing you have nothing to do being…well…ermmm’ he didn’t know what to say so I just cut in



‘So what do you say?’ Mike’s voice came from behind me,

‘Are you sure?, I mean aren’t I going to get in your way?’

‘Don’t be silly, these boys never have anything to do’ Adrienne walked towards me,

‘I-I’d love to!’  with that Tre ran up to Billie and started thanking him, it made me laugh Billie looked shocked when Tre got him in a head lock and started monkey scrubbing his head!

‘I knew you’d come around!, I promise I will make sure she’s watered and fed and I will play with her!’ Billie burst out laughing and pushed Tre off him

‘Tre does know am not a dog right?’ everyone laughed

‘Am not too sure’ Billie giggled

okayyy so finally got another chapter up and so sorry that it took soooooo long but its been christmas and i have had to do loades of familly stuff...yawn... anyway, i know its quite short but the next one will be up in the next couple of days so please please please let me know what you think becuase am worried about it at the minute haha, hope you all had a great christmas and got everything you wanted so let me know :)  thanks!!!  

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