Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Grace’s P.O.V

We had made it to Philadelphia the Chicago show was amazing as always,

I was backstage watching the guys finish up their Philadelphia concert, they were just finishing with time of your life, well Billie was Tre and Mike had already ran off and was stood each side of me watching Billie,

As soon as he had finished his song he blew kisses to the audience and ran off towards us,

‘BOOOM, THAT’S HOW ITS DONE! GREEN DAY ONCE AGAN ROCKED THE ASSES OFF EVERYONE!’ Tre yelled as he pulled us all in for a massive bear hug,

‘AGREED!’ I yelled giggling as he released us and began racing Mike back to the bus,

‘Well me lady fancy strolling back to our chariot?’ Billie put on a fake English accent, which made me giggle, he held his arm for me to link it

‘Lets!’ I answered in the same way and linked his arm

We began skipping back to the bus and stopped when we found Tre sat on the floor holding his knee

‘ouch………ouch…….ouchey……oooooo ouch’ he whispered whilst rocking back and forth, I giggled and ran up to him

‘What’s happened to you?’ he looked up like a small upset child

‘I fell’ he answered and looked back down,

‘Here let me see’ I knelt down and lifted his trouser leg to find a small graze

‘Oh Tre I think I might have to cut your leg off’ he looked up panicked

‘I think I have a saw in the bus’ Billie chipped in walking up behind

‘ohhh well I think its okay guys, look I can walk!’ He yelled and began jumping around

‘Hmmmm if you’re sure’ I snickered

‘I am! I promise its fine, I think am going to go to bed now I played the shit out of them drums!’ he smiled and ran off to his bus

I began giggling and made my way to the bus,

When I got to the bus I quickly got changed and collapsed onto my bed

‘Hey so Grace? In 3 days were going to be catching the plane to Paris, so tomorrow I was thinking about getting your passport sorted, so we will get your picture and that done tomorrow’ he asked stood by his door ready to go to bed

‘Really? Yeahh that’s sounds cool’ I replied and snuggled down into my bed

‘Okay good night kiddo, sweet dreams’ he whispered before entering his room,

I fell asleep so quickly that night and I didn’t have a single bad dream! Well sorta

Billie’s P.O.V

I was woken up by banging noises and a voice from inside the bus, I shot up thinking it was a burglar or something, shit Grace! The thought shot through me and made me begin to panic,

I looked round my room for something heavy enough to knock some fucker out, ermmm… I began wondering round my room looking, ermmm…yes! I grabbed my guitar and ran out

But all I found was Grace stood in the kitchen opening and closing the draws and cupboards chucking random shit out,

‘Grace?’ I whispered as I placed my guitar down and walked towards her

‘No no no! I can’t have that! This isn’t good’ she murmured still throwing stuff

She threw a can of beans over her shoulder I managed to duck out the way

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