Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Billie’s P.O.V

As I was drifting in and out of sleep, I began to hear faint crying. I sat up and tried to focus, it sounded like it was coming from were Grace was. I stood up trying to regain focus but ended up tripping over my suitcase,

‘Ahh fuck!’ I carried on walking out, I could hear the crying more clearly now

‘ummm… Grace?’ I looked round and turned a small lamp on, which revealed Grace sat rocking on the sofa, still asleep but crying, she must have slept walked,

I went over and sat next to her, she looked funny in my clothes they were way too big for her, it made me smile

‘Grace are you awake?’ I whispered, stupid question!

She just carried on rocking and crying, I placed my hand on her arm,

‘PLEASE DON’T HIT ME AGAIN!!!! PLEASE’ she began to shout, what the fuck? Don’t hit her? I wasn’t going to hit her!

‘It’s alright Grace no one’s going to hit you’ I was trying to reassure her,

‘NO DAN PLEASE!’ I looked at her confused, that piece of shit Dan used to hit her? I felt sick to my stomach, she never told us this!, I pulled her in and hugged her trying to calm her down or wake her up or something!

‘shhh, shhh its okay’ she began to cry more, so I pulled her closer,

‘Grace, your sleep talking and I think possibly you slept walked, but you’re okay it’s just a dream’ her breathing began to calm and she gradually stopped crying, I looked down and she was back to just sleeping, I slowly picked her up, man she was light for a 15 year old, she needs to put weight on! I slowly placed her down on the bunk and kissed her on her forehead, I don’t know why I did, it just felt like a natural instinct; I walked back to my bedroom, turning round and checking on her once again before returning to my bed.

--------next morning--------

Grace’s P.O.V

I slowly began to wake up, my eyes were stinging like crazy, what the fuck did I do in my sleep squeeze fucking lemon juice in them! I went to the bathroom and splashed cold water over my face; it slowly soothed the burning in my eyes. As I walked back out Billie was stood making a cup of coffee,

‘Morning’ I said walking over to the sofa and launching myself onto it

‘Morning, hey Grace?’ Billie didn’t look over he just carried on making his coffee

‘sup?’ I giggled

‘Ummm… last night, I think you had a night mare because you were crying and rocking and shit on the couch and talking’ he said still not looking round

Shit! What did I say now!

‘Oh… yeah I sometimes do that, sorry I didn’t mean to wake you’ I was worried what had I said!

‘No, no its fine, it’s just y’know you said some things, I just want to ask about them, if that’s okay?’ this time he walked down and sat next to me taking a sip of his coffee.

‘Oh no, what did I say?’ I panicked turning and facing him

‘Well you asked me not to hit you, well ermmm… not me… Dan’ my heart sank; I can’t believe I had said that! Now Billie knows, I didn’t want them to know, it was just something I wanted to forget about.

‘Shit’ I whispered under my breath and looked down

‘Did Dan used to abuse you?’ Billie sounded more serious now; I couldn’t summon the words to answer him, so I just decided to nod

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