Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Grace’s P.O.V

‘I-I… I love it!’ I put the guitar to one side and hugged Billie, I couldn’t believe I had my own guitar, I never ready had anything that special of my own.

‘Good! We will start lessons tomorrow’ he laughed

‘GUUUUYS! WERE HERE!’ Tre sang bounding through the door when I looked I realised Tre was wearing the same pyjamas as me, me and Billie burst out laughing!,

‘Hey I thought we agreed Grace was going to be a drummer!’ Tre looked hurt, Billie and I giggled

‘Tre we didn’t discuss that! But why the fuck are you wearing that’ Billie pointing at what he was wearing and laughing

‘Oh, I thought we did and why not?’ Tre looked upset but lit up as soon as Mike came through the door

‘MIKE!’ Tre jumped and hugged him, Mike laughed but looked a little shocked,

‘Yeah am here and you’re wearing the same pj’s as Grace, why am I not freaked out?, so anyway what film we watching?’ we all looked concerned over to Tre who had a massive smile across his face

‘The Woman in black!’ everyone let out a sigh of relief knowing it wasn’t a unicorn film or something worse!

‘Cool, isn’t that a scary film?’ Mike asked

‘Yep’ Tre answered and ran through to the living area, we all followed and grabbed some snacks  Billie turned the lights out and sat down, I settled down between Mike and Billie, Tre sat next to Mike

Billie’s P.O.V

It was quite a good film for Tre, it was quite jumpy though, every now and then I felt Grace jump and a couple of times Tre screamed, at some of the dramatic build ups I felt Grace grab my arm, she must have done it without realising because each time she realised she quickly let go, it made me smile, she was finally beginning to be herself around us.

When the film had finished Mike and I were the only ones awake, Grace had fallen asleep on my arm and Tre was curled up in a little ball on the end of the sofa. I giggled before Mike gave him a nudge to wake him up. I didn’t move because I didn’t want to wake Grace, the guys said bye and left, we were leaving for Chicago tomorrow afternoon so the guys wanted their sleep.

I slowly lifted Grace and walked towards her bunk, I placed her down slowly trying not to wake her, but as I laid her down, her eyes burst open and she sat bolt upright, but as she did she smacked her head on the bunk above,

‘Ahhh!’ she yelled grabbing hold of her head,

‘Shit Grace are you okay?’ her head made a huge bang it must have hurt

‘Ouch, yeah I guess am okay’ she whispered rubbing her head,

‘Let me check if its bleeding’ she nodded and bowed her head for me to look, I switched the lamp on and began to search through her hair, it didn’t look like there was any blood,

‘Okay there’s no blood, do you feel dizzy?’ she shook her head

‘Good, what happened?’ I asked wondering if she had another bad dream

‘Umm, I just had a dream I was trapped, I guess I got worried, am okay though’ she smiled I studied her face making sure she was,

‘Do you feel okay?’ I asked thinking she might have another attack, she just nodded her head and laid back down,

‘Okay well I’m only in there if you need me, were going to be leaving for Chicago tomorrow, so get some sleep’ she nodded, I smiled and switched the lamp off and went back into my room, I crawled into bed and passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was so tired!

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