Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The car journey seemed to take forever, which was good because I was trying to figure out a way of getting to meet Green Day considering I dot actually have a ticket. I have never been to a concert before, but am pretty sure that the gates in will be pretty heavily guarded. Back stage is going to be virtually impossible to get to; maybe I should just turn back. No! I have to do this, look how far you have come, you never thought you could even leave that place let alone get to New York. I will find a way.

When we got there it was only 10:00am but there were people already queuing and it was a pretty long queue as well. Instead of going through the front doors, I decided to go round the back were all the buses go in and out. As I walked round I saw that there wasn’t that many people guarding it, I could see into were people were pulling equipment in and out of the arena. All the guards were wearing bright yellow coats, and had walkie talkies. I counted 4 and 2 of them kept nipping in and out of the building. I just sat waiting, I was getting more and more worried about how I was going to get in, what if I get caught and they send me to the police for trespassing, then they find out my name and find out I have foster parents, then they ring them and they come down, they won’t be happy, then if I go back home with them, there will be nothing for it Dan will defiantly kill me!

I sat there shuffling through my thoughts wondering if this was a good idea of not, I heard a loud rumbling engine coming towards me, as I look up I saw the biggest black bus I have ever seen, fucking hell! That’s got to be Green Days tour bus! I thought to myself, I looked round and saw it took all the guards to open the gate, and they were all on one side.

Right then I had the best idea I had had since leaving that shit hole. I ran to the side of the bus were the guards wouldn’t be and walked straight in beside it.

Shit! Now am in what am I going to do!

I saw the opening to the arena and ran for it. No one seemed to see me but just to be sure I darted into a cleaner’s closet. I stood in there replaying everything I had just done, maybe if I go out now and apologise they will just let me go I kept telling myself. My heart was thudding against my chest that hard I honestly thought it was going to burst through! I kept hearing people walk past, each time I would hold my breath hoping they wouldn’t hear my ragged breathing from my mini heart attacks I kept having, every time I heard a noise.

Right so am here, back stage of a Green Day concert, the place that I thought I would never be and I have no fucking clue what I am going to say to them! Oh Grace this really was a bad idea!

Soon I realised I could hear no one passing outside the cupboard, and my breathing began to slow down. I opened the door just a touch to peek out, I seemed that no one was about I slowly opened it and took a silent step; I looked round making sure there was defiantly no one around and sped towards a corridor opposite.

I kept walking checking every door for a sign, and then suddenly I came to the door I was looking for, one labelled GREEN DAY.

I didn’t know what to do I just stood there looking at the door until I realised what I was doing and stopped just in case someone walked past and realised I was fucked up or something. I took hold of the handle and took a deep breath before knocking and walking in, I don’t know why I walked in without being told, I think it was because the suspense was killing me!

As I stepped in, the room was empty. I was a massive room, like bigger then my house, okay slight exaggeration but it was huge, there were comfy looking couches, pool table and so much food and beer!

I then heard the toilet flush, right then I felt my stomach drop through my ass!

 I was petrified.

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