Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I jumped down onto the out- house roof, and then down to the concrete below. I went out through the back gate and ran down the alley to the main street. It’s my own little escape route.

Sometimes, when am walking down the road surrounded by people who don’t know me…strangers, I like to act like my life’s different, that I have a loving mother and farther, and maybe a baby sister and even a dog. My fantasy doesn’t last long, something always brings me back to reality and reminds me of my actual life, the violent one, the miserable one, the one I keep trying to escape but keep getting dragged back in because…well…I have nowhere else, I have no one else. I have nothing.

I walked round in my daze until I found myself sat on the bench by the pond In the park. It was my favourite place to be, it was always quiet, no shouting. There was never really anyone around, and even though I was lonely at home, the loneliness I felt here was different, it was safe and I chose to be alone here.

Here I was left alone with my thoughts, i often listened to music, music was the only thing in my life I was sure of, when listening to music I was free, I was myself. I listened to Pink Floyd, the Ramones; I do have a favourite band, Green Day. I don’t know what it is about their music, but I feel it has helped me survive, there’s something in it that keeps me going. I have never seen them live or anything but I don’t think that matters, I mean I love them as people I think their amazing and so inspirational, but am content at the minute with just being able to listen to them.

I decided to head back home, it was getting late, and I could tell that soon the rain would begin to fall,

As I reached the front door my thoughts surrounded me, would there be another argument?, a hit? And then that all familiar feeling of dread at the fact I knew one day he could even kill me.

As stepped into the house, darkness hung in the air, a sudden tremble of fear sparked through my legs and jolted me forward. I stood in the doorway, there was only silence, a wave of happiness rushed over me as I assumed he was asleep.

I walked in further to turn the t.v off but as I turned round, he was there. Sat starring, rage lingered in his eyes.

The bottle of whiskey dropped from his hands as he launched himself at me and grabbed me by hair and pulled my head back, pain ripped through my head and I let out a sudden scream,

“Were you been this time you little bitch” he whispered through gritted teeth, I felt his whiskey laced breath on the back of my neck before he flung me across the room.

Before I knew it I was crying uncontrollably, no matter how many times I cried “please no!” he would never stop,

But this time bravery filled me I threw a punch and landed it successfully on his face, It had turned from an attack on his behalf, into a full blown fight, I began pulling his hair and kicking, but at the same time he had scratched all down my arms and punched me in the stomach, being winded I fell to the floor.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing!”  He shouted down at me, whilst he kicked me repeatedly in the stomach, he then knelt to my level, and smacked me again in my face, pain wasn’t the word for what I was feeling, every inch of my body was burning and writhing in pain.

“Am not going to kill you just yet Grace, I like to see you in pain!” he spat, before he walked away.

As I lay there drifting in and out of consciousness through the pain, i decided I couldn’t stay here much longer 

Let me know what you think, thanks! :D 

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