Chapter 19

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Grace’s P.O.V

Pairs was amazing! We had spent most of the days looking round at all the sights, I loved it!

It was the night before the show and every one was just chilling in Billie’s bus, they were watching a film, am not too sure what it was but I think it was a comedy, because they were all constantly laughing through it, I decided to just sit in my bunk and continue writing the songs I had started, I don’t know what it was but I enjoyed it so much! I never really wrote many songs before but I was on a roll, it helped that I could play the guitar a little now too.

‘Hey what you doing? Don’t you want to come watch the film?’ I looked up to see Billie stood at the foot of my bunk,

‘ermmm… nah am good’ I smiled and looked down continuing to work on my song

I didn’t look up but I could tell Billie had walked over so he was now stood at my shoulders looking down at my paper,

I began to get a little uncomfortable, I had never told anyone about the songs I write, and having a lyrical genius looking over and reading my crapy lyrics got me kind of nervous,

‘Grace these are really good!’ he grinned as he took the papers from my hands to study them even closer, I blushed

‘Nahh... they’re not as good as yours!’ I giggled, he frowned

‘You should start believing in yourself more, these are amazing!’ he seemed really enthusiastic, but I couldn’t help doubting him, I really didn’t think they were that good

‘Do you mind singing them to me?’ he asked, my head shot up

‘No!... I mean… I… I don’t want to’ I said taking the papers back off Billie

‘Please, I have heard you sing before, common!’ he smiled, I looked down to try and think, I decided he has heard me before, and as much as it pains me I decided to just do it, I nodded

‘Great! He smiled and took the guitar,

I began singing through my lyrics, after a while Billie started just playing the simple tune to the song, and stopped every now and then jotting things onto the paper, the whole time I kept my head down, I knew I was bright red with embarrassment,

‘That is awesome!’  Billie exclaimed when I had finished

‘It’s not that good’ I giggled

‘Yes…It…Is’ he said taking hold of my shoulders making sure I would listen to him, I just giggled

‘We shall work on this more at a later date, but now… come sit with us misses!’ he said placing my guitar back down and walked through to the living room area, I followed.

‘Heyyyyyyy Grey! Come sit next to me!’ Tre looked so excited as I entered, and began pushing Mike away from him to make room for me, I just giggled and went and sat in the space he had made for me,

‘Sorry Mike’ I looked up,

‘It’s fine dude’ he smiled and ruffled my hair before returning his gaze to the t.v.

After the film everyone was so tired we just decided to go to sleep, Tre and Mike went back to their buses and me and Billie just got ready for bed,

‘Hey Grace, fancy a hot chocolate?’ he asked walking out his room,

‘I would love one!’ I smiled sitting up in bed

He smiled and walked over to the kitchen and began making 2 hot chocolate’s, as he was making them he was humming the tune to the song I had written, I smiled knowing I had written it and it was stuck in Billie Joe Armstrong’s head,

‘That’s a catchy tune’ he giggled as he turned round and walked towards my bed placing the Hot chocolate on the small table beside the bunk,

‘I see, thank you’ I smiled taking a sip

‘It’s okay, well I’m off to bed, big day tomorrow, night tiny’ I returned his good night before he went into is room, I finished up my drink and fell to sleep,

Dan’s P.O.V

I sat starring at the front page of the news paper, I couldn’t fucking believe it! That stupid little slut had actually met that talentless shitty band!

Now that she had gone, the money that we were getting for keeping her had gone too! She had taken my bank card and now she had made a fool out of me!

If I ever found her, I would… I would kill her! Not straight away, I want to see her suffer!

I should have done it when I had the chance; she was a useless waste of space and we should have never had adopted it!

I grabbed the laptop and searched the dates of the concerts; I found they were going to be doing one in California in 2 weeks that was my chance! I was going to get the piece of scum and make her pay for all the shit she has caused!

Billie’s P.O.V

It was half way through the show, I loved being on stage! It was the one place I could be and not worry about anything, I was free and seeing people going crazy and singing the songs you had written was fucking amazing!

I looked over to check on Grace, she was dancing and singing like always by the side of the stage, I smiled as the song came to an end, I decided to do something I had never done before, I know the thought was stupid but I just wanted Grace to see how amazing her song was, so without thinking I went for it,

‘Okay!!! This next song was written by a very good friend of ours, it’s called Loss Of Control and its by Grace, she’s being traveling round with us for this tour and she is pretty awesome so y’know I Wanna see you go fucking crazy!!!!’ the crowd went crazy, I looked over to see Grace in shock, but she still looked so happy, we had all gone through the song earlier that day without Grace knowing I wanted it to be a surprise, I knew she would never get up on stage and sing, in fact I think she would kill me there on stage, but I knew she would still be pumped knowing we were playing the song she had written on her own, and so we began to play, and the crowd loved it, Grace was dancing and singing along, when we had finished the crowd let out a huge roar of approval.

When we had finished the show we all ran off stage, as soon as I got down the stairs I felt someone run up and garb me so tight I could hardly breathe, I giggled looking down to see Grace hugging me,

‘Thank you so much!’ she squealed pulling away and looking up to me, it made me giggle a little more,

‘It’s fine, told you it was good’ I smiled, she smiled back and ran off to Tre,

Every day she’s getting more and more happier and like a normal 15 year old should be!

sorry to have kept you waiting guys... well let me know what you all think, what do you think about Dan coming back into the story? dun dun dunnnnn!!! haha anywya please let me know thanks for reading guys!!!! :D 

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