Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Mike’s P.O.V

Grace had to stay in hospital till the next morning, I sat there looking at her, she was so….Broken. she’s been through so much throughout her life. I looked round, Billie was lightly snoring in the chair next to Grace, and Tre was sat playing on his phone.

‘What you playing?’ I whispered over, his head shot up

‘Green Day angry birds’ he grinned before putting his head back down and continuing with his game.

I smiled and looked back down at the news paper I was reading, well I wasn’t really reading it, I was just looking at the words, nothing made sense. I was too busy thinking about everything that had happened to even begin to focus on anything. 

I decided I need some air, I walked through the empty halls of the hospital, it was creepy seeing it all so still. My footsteps were echoing through the wards, I began feel more uncomfortable, I felt like I was in one of them horror movies, I began to get a little nervous and picked up the pace, soon I found the exit, a sigh of relief left my lungs as I burst through the doors.

I leaned against the wall taking deep breaths,

Everything’s just so fucked up! I don’t even know what’s going on anymore. I looked up at the stars, I wonder how many there are out there? It looks so peaceful up there,

I brought my self-back to reality and decided to go get a coffee,

Should I get Tre one?, hmmmm Tre and caffeine… not a great idea, am thinking hot chocolate for Tre,

I walked back to the room and found it the exact same way as I left it,

‘Hey, I got you a hot chocolate’ I smiled to Tre and passed him the cup

‘awh! Thanks man… hey Mike?’ he sounded curious, I looked up smiling

‘Yeah?’ he looked down and fiddled with his cup before answering

‘Are we gunna cancel the show tomorrow night? Well tonight seems as though its sorta early morning?’ I smiled and took a sip of the coffee

‘I dunno , maybe, I guess we will have to speak to Billie’ he nodded and went back to drinking his hot chocolate 

‘He really loves her doesn’t he’ he spoke looking over to Billie sat sleeping next to Grace

‘Yeah…’ I looked down

‘I love her too, don’t you Mike?’ I giggled a little Tre was so tired he talks shit when he’s tired

‘Yeah of course I do, maybe you should try sleep for a bit’ I smiled

‘Yeah maybe’ I giggled watching him

***Next Day***

Billie’s P.O.V

i slowly began opening my eyes trying to focus, I rubbed my face trying to wake myself up. As I began looking round I noticed I was still in the hospital

‘So it wasn’t just a dream’ I whispered under my breath slowly pulling myself up out the chair, that chair had fucked up my back, I began twisting and stretching in different directions trying to ease the pain.

Grace began to stir; I smiled and sat back down beside her

‘I am so ready to go home’ she whispered as she began waking and trying to sit up

‘Me too!’ I heard Tre bound up to the bed

‘Can I go?’ her eyes widened and starred straight into mine

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