Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Grace’s P.O.V

Today was going great, all three of us decided to first watch a film, it was Step Brothers, it was hilarious we were laughing the hole way through it, every now and then Tre would cover my eyes and  ears, I just laughed.

‘Okay so how about now we…. BAKE!’ Tre yelled as he got up and ran to the kitchen,

‘I haven’t ever baked before!’ I said jumping up and following Tre,

‘WHAT!! You have never baked?’ I gasped and looked confused,

‘Nope’ I giggled, he ran over and grabbed some aprons, he chose the one that had a woman’s body on the front wearing a bikini, he passed me one that said ‘don’t make me poison your food’ I laughed and saw he had given Mike one that said ‘KING OF THE KITCHEN!’ Mike seemed really pleased.

‘Sooo what we cooking good looking?’ Mike chirped over to Tre

‘Brownies…and cookies… oooooo and chocolate cake!’ he began getting all the ingredients out ready,

‘Mike you do the cookies, and me and Grace will do the brownies and then we will all come together and make the chocolate cake’ Tre seemed more excited than me

‘Sounds good to me, how about you squirt?’ Mike agreed and I nodded along with his agreement

‘Yay!’ Tre squealed and we began mixing all the things in the bowl, Tre mainly let me stir everything, but I kept letting him have a turn and he seemed to love it, although he got it everywhere! And when he put the flour in the bowl he just dropped it in so the dust went everywhere even Mike got covered, we all just laughed even though we looked like ghosts.

I took some of the mixture and smeared it across Tre’s face, he let out an over exaggerated gasp,

‘GRACE! THAT’S IT!’ he grabbed a handful of the brownie mix and threw it towards me, I ducked and it hit Mike right on the back of his head,

I let out uncontrollable laughter

‘Ohhh you think it’s funny do you grace?’ Mike giggled before he took the whole bowl of cake mix and placed it upside down on my head!

‘MY CAKES!’ Tre  screamed

I couldn’t believe what he had done I began laughing again as the mixture began slowly falling down my face, I took of the bowl and reached for the bag of flour

‘Grace now let’s just talk about this’ Mike said pleading slowly backing away but bumped into Tre who was standing behind him making sure he couldn’t get away

‘Do it Grace gwann!’ Tre cheered me on

I threw the whole bag of flour over Mike covering him everywhere, he just stood there in shock, Tre was bent over laughing to the point were tears were falling,

‘I don’t know why your laughing dude’ Mike smirked at Tre before grabbing his cookie mix and rubbing it all in Tre’s hair, clumps were stuck in everywhere, I just gasped and began laughing Tre’s face said it all, he was not amused but I definitely was and so was Mike

‘Oh I see how it is Grace, you were never really on my side’ and before I knew it Tre had got out the ketchup and began squirting it all over me! I screamed and reached for the BBQ sauce and Mike had joined in with throwing round more flour, laughter was all anyone could hear.

‘GUYS! WHAT IS GOING ON!’ we all froze and looked round to find Billie stood at the door analysing the mess, we all looked at each other and smirked before turning it all on him,

‘AHHH! SHIT GUYS STOP!’ he sounded sort of angry so we just stopped and starred, a small smile began forming across his face

‘This is hardly fair’ he yanked the ketchup squeezey bottle from Tre and began joining in with the massive devastating food fight, we carried on the fight for about another 15 minutes, throwing anything we could find around the kitchen,

‘THAT-WAS-AMAZING!’ Tre screamed as we were all catching our breath from the laughing and running around,

‘Yeahh it was pretty cool, but Tre look at this mess’ Billie giggled

‘I don’t care! This was like the best day EVER!’ he was jumping up and down

‘Ahhh man I stink!’ Mike was sniffing him self

‘Yeahh same’ I said sniffing myself, jees! It was disgusting!

‘Yeahh I don’t smell to great either’ Billie said laughing

‘I think I smell pretty damn gooooood’ Tre smiled

We all decided to go get showers in our own buses and then meet up at Billie’s bus to cook dinner,

‘I’m goin-‘ Billie began to speak  but I cut him off

‘I’m going in the shower first!’ I yelled, he laughed and raised an eye brow,

‘hmmm I dunno…’ he smirked, I pulled him the biggest puppy dog eyes I could

‘Ahhh man you know I can’t say no when you do that!’ he rolled his eyes still laughing, I laughed and ran off to get my things.

Tre’s P.O.V

Wow it’s been such a great day, I like food fights! I don’t think we have them enough

But I do sort of wish we would had made the cakes, I can taste them now mmmmmmmm….i would have put my face in icing on the chocolate cake

Hmmm but then I wouldn’t have wanted to eat it, I mean my face is too beautiful to destroy

I wonder what where going to do at Billie’s

I hope there’s cake

Maybe it will have a unicorn on it!


I just want a unicorn so bad, one with wings, so I can go on its back and fly up to the clouds

It would just make me so happy, and then I would teach it how to play drums…

wooooooooo i finally got it up!!! so sorry for the delay guys i really am, well i hope you like it, tell me what you think... also i have a new book started, its called A Heart Made Of Stone Is Hard To Break, its a Green Day fan fic, so would love you to check it out and let me know what you think, thanks for reading!!! :D 

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