Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Grace’s P.O.V

I couldn’t even put into words how I felt about the song Billie had written for me. Dan saying they didn’t care, I wish he could see me now, see how I happy I was, and see how much they do care, I finally have a family, one that doesn’t hit me and make me feel worthless, but one that loves me and wants me to be happy.

We were about 15 minutes away from Billie’s house and I was absolutely shitting myself, I mean what if his kids don’t like me, or his mum.

‘You okay?’ Billie must have seen the worry drenched over my face

‘Ermmm, yeah…. I mean, what if they hate me?’ I looked up still worried, he just smiled

‘They’re going to love you just as much as me the guys and Adie’ he put his arm round me trying to comfort me,

‘Yeah… but… what if they don’t?’ I was being so serious, I had never been so nervous not even when I had snook into their dressing room, he just chuckled

‘I promise they will like you, stop being silly why wouldn’t they like you?’ he still found it all amusing

‘Because, I’m ordinary and boring and-‘Billie cut me off

‘Hey! You’re not boring or ordinary, you’re the complete opposite, you’re brilliant and inspirational, and if you say you’re boring one more time am gunna get Tre to go all crazy on your ass!’ I giggled

‘I heard my name’ Tre popped his head out like a meerkat I burst out laughing

‘It’s fine Tre we were just saying how great you are, y’know with drums and stuff’ Billie smiled innocently

‘Hmmmm, I am great I’ll give you that, but I still smell something cheesy’ Tre narrowed his eyes acting suspicious

‘Its fishy Tre… you smell something fishy’ I giggled

‘No I defiantly smell cheese’ he carried on talking suspiciously which made me and Billie laugh even more

‘That’s me, am cooking grilled cheese sandwiches’ Mike popped his head out from the kitchen with the biggest smile I had ever seen =, which caused me to laugh even more

‘Okay, this is all getting too weird am off to ring Adie’ Billie said through giggles whilst leaving the room

‘Oh you guys’ I smiled running up and getting them both in a head lock, they were both struggling to get out,

‘Ahhh, you’re freakishly strong!’ Mike screamed as he tried wriggling free without succeeding

I giggled and set them free

‘I’ll get you back squirt’ Mike winked before returning to his sandwiches

‘Yeah, this isn’t over Grey!’ Tre pointed his finger in my face before cracking up and running to help Mike,

I sat down still smiling, but the sudden thought that I would be meeting Billie’s family in a matter of minutes struck me, tidal wave of worry washed through me, I felt myself begin to feel enclosed, my breathing became staggered and I began to sweat… I knew exactly what was happening

‘No…. not … now’ I whispered through my deep breaths, I tried to stand but my legs collapsed underneath me and I fell back onto the sofa,

‘Grace!’ Mike came through and saw me struggling, I felt myself begin to cry and I couldn’t control it, every emotion rushed through my body at 100mph I felt dizzy and my stomach was doing summersaults,

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