Back to Seoul

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We are now back in Seoul. After my business trip in Singapore, everything went back to normal. Sheun contacted me last week.


Beonggyu is at home waiting for my food while I am in my fridge arranging the snacks that Gyu bought.

*ding dong*

"Is the food there already?"
"Uhh.. Wait. I'll get it for you."

"Sejeong! Someone came!" He said.
"Who? Let him enter."

I went back to my living room and I saw Sehun.

"Oh. Sehun youre here."
"Beonggyu can I talk to him first? The delivery is there already."
"Sure. Go ahead." Beonggyu said.

"Sehun what brings you here?"
"Nothing I just passed by."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. I want you to know that I will be busy for the next 4 weeks. I won't be able to visit you and Nayoung for a while"
"No problem. I'll let Nayoung know about it. Goodluck!"
"I'll go ahead. It seems like you and Beonggyu are on a date."


Sehun and Beonggyu met already. I was wondering what they have said to each other.

"Gyu, how are you?" Gyu called.
"I'm at the hospital. Something happen to dad."
"Wait. I'll come over. Stay calm." I said to him. He seems in panic.

I am now at the hospital that Gyu said earlier. I saw him immediately in a bench waiting for his dad.

"You came"

"How is he?"
"I don't know. He is still inside." He said and his tears fell in his cheeks.
"I am here. I am here"  I assured him. Beonggyu calmed down and I contacted Nayoung right after to update her.

*Hey what happened? is everything alright?*
*I don't think I can do it. Beonggyu is devastated right know. His dad is in a bad condition.*
*I understand. Be with him first.*
*I will.--* "Sejeong"
*Nayoung I'll call you again later.*

"Yes? Sorry. Nayoung just called. Do you need anything?"

"No. I'm okay. Do you want something to eat?"
"I'm okay with that. Let's go?"



"Sooyoung, Let's eat!" Chanyeol said.

"Lunch? Where are the boys?"

"They are taking their lunch. So, let's go? Sehun join us!"

"Sorry but I was about to meet a friend this lunch. Maybe some other time. Tomorrow my treat? call?" Nayoung and I will meet in her office.
"Sure! See you later!" Sooyoung said as Chanyeol grabbed her  to leave.

I already messaged Nayoung that I'll arrive in 30 minutes. Sejeong is not in her office right now. Nayoung said Sejeong is with Beonggyu.

"You came!"
"You're loud shhh"
"Of course Hahahaha!" I said to Nayoung.
"Let's eat! I'm hungry"
"Feed yourself."

"Is she on a date?" He asked. I feel bad for him huhu. He deserve more than friendship.
"No. They're in the hospital."
"Why? What Happened? Don't tell me.."
"What? Preggy? Stupid. Noooo!" I said as I throw tissues to him.
"I'm sorry. I felt relieved. Waah"
"Fool. Of course she's not pregnant. Sejeong visited Beonggyu's dad."
"Yea, I don't think I will make that boy live"
"Me too." And we agreed with each other's statement.
"So, What do--" Sehun was cut off when someone talked.

"Nayoung" Its Sejeong. She looked at me and left the room.

Sehun stood up to greet her but she already left. All of a sudden.

"What happened?"
"I don't know"

We said. Still looking at the door. Stunned.

"I'll follow her."
"No. I will. Clean these first then follow me at her office." He nodded.


'Why am I like this?' I said to myself while going back to my office. I saw Sehun and Nayoung inside the meeting room having their lunch.


"Gyu, I need to go back to my office." I said to him.
"Can't you stay?"
"Sorry but as much as I want, I still have an important meeting to attend"
"Sure, go"
"Don't be like this Gyu. I'll text you" I said and left the hospital.

As I enter the building, a staff told me that someone is in my office.

"Who is it?"
"I think it's Mr. Sehun."
"Really? Is he still here?"
"Yes, Ms. President" I smiled at him and went up to my office.

I can hear people laughing in my meeting room. I went there and saw Nayoung and Sehun talking.

"Hi" That's the only word I said and left the place to go to my office.


"Sejeong" Nayoung knocked my office door and entered.

"Are you okay? Why did you leave? Sehun was about to greet you."
"I'm sorry. I forgot something here. Where is he?
"He's outside. Should I let him in?"
"Sure." oh noes

*15 minutes later*


I already finished cleaning the table and was about to go to Sejeong's office. Nayoung said I should follow.

"Sejeong, until when are you going to continue this game?"
"I don't know. I can't catch a good timing"
"You should do it now!"
"Don't shout Nayoung"
"I care about my bestfriend, Sejeong. I care about your life."
"Next week. I'll end this next week."

What is that? What is happening?

I knocked and opened the door. They also stopped talking.



Thank you for reading!

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