Chapter 7

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While we ate I kept thinking to myself What secret are they keeping from me! over and over. I picked at my chicken and ate slowly while Drew stared at me in aw. I caught him staring at me a few times and I smiled.

'Where are you Teddy!' Alex's voice rang through my head.

'I'm on a date with Drew... Why?'

'Where!'  This time Kyle's voice.

"Drew what's the name of this place?"

"The Lions Den... Why?"

"Because there food is so good!"

'Were at the Lions Den... Why!'

'smell!' Jay's voice rang out whats going on...

I smelled the air and I about fainted... 'Wolfsbane and Hunters'  I replied

Everyone fell silent I took a small sip of my milkshake and quickly spit it out. Wolfs-bane... someone knew.

"Drew I think we should go!"

"Okay I'll just pay the waitress and well leave." Drew raised his hand and she came rolling along with the check I smelled her Pure Hunter!

Everything was taken care of and we were heading out the door hand in hand when someone grabbed my arm and yanked me away from him. I stumbled and fell on my back.

I watched Drew as he came closer and I Hissed at him "Get out of here it's not safe!" He looked at me with pure hurt.

He came closer and said "If its not safe I'm not leaving you!... Teddy I Love you... I didn't know what to do when I first lost you for 3 weeks... I just got you back I'm not leaving you behind... Not again!"

"Aw that's sweet too bad it has to end like this!" I looked up to see a small female figure giving Drew the devil smirk. God I hated that smirk. "Don't worry handsome I'll Take care care of you when I'm done with her!" She winked.

That's it I'm not having a girl steal my man! I jumped to my feet and faced her "Drew Get out of here!"

Pure venom laced my voice and it was deep and dark. My wolf taking over! I didn't look back but I heard him leave.

Elana's P.O.V

Oh Hell no He is MINE! I looked down at the girl and here hands Silver blade! not again!

I swipe kicked my leg so she fell and she did. She went to stab my leg and I kicked her arm which sent the blade flying across the floor. She then stood up and I punched her in the gut. she tumbled over and I hit her head off my humans Knee.

I felt another behind my human and I turned around and came to face a tall hunter man with a gun. I grabbed his arm and flipped him. He landed with a groin and shot my humans leg...Missed! I stomped on his hand and he released the gun I kicked it away from both of them.

I heard a small cough and spun around to fight I looked straight into the eyes of Mike.

I growled he scared my human how dare he! He looked into my eyes and flinched. Then covered it up with a smirk.

I kicked him in the face and he spit out a tooth. I may not have a Mate but I sure as hell am strong!

I smirked and he charged knocking me down on the ground. I growled and kicked him off and he went flying. across the room. I jumped up and walked toward him. Kicking him in the face again and smacking his head off of my humans knee.

Then I felt a small barrel on the back of my head and a click. Gun to the head.

Teddy's P.O.V

My wolf came out Ya...

Then I was brought back to reality There was a gun to my head.

I slowly raised my hands and a strong muscular voice spoke. "Get outside Now!" I flinched

I slowly turned around and started walking to the door while doing this a Mind link came through Mia, Kyle, Alex and Jay at the same time.

'Get outside now!'

'Gun...Head... walking to the door now!'

I didn't get a reply but I felt there presence they were outside. I got to the door and saw nobody not even Drew I was Hurt... Did he leave me?

I felt a push and the word "Move" I did as told I got outside and still saw nobody Okay I'll do this myself then!

I kept walking till I stopped in front of a car a black Buick. "Get In!" I didn't move. "DID YOU NOT HEAR ME I SAID GET IN!" he shouted. I still didn't move.

He smashed my head against the roof of his car and tried pushing me into the car. I looked him square in the face and moved my foot up and kicked him in the nuts... HARD!

He tumbled over holding his manhood and crying in pain Literary! baby! I Kicked him In the face and he spit out a tooth or two and I broke his nose. Then I kicked him in the gut. and sighed in Victory!

I smiled and looked up to face Drew looked happy and proud! He saw me beat up four people and he was happy?! I looked past him and saw Mia, Kyle, Jay and Alex staring at Drew with pissed angry faces.

I looked back at Drew and stared at him and Just said "What the hell is going on... Why are you happy?" I paused and pointed at Drew then looked over his shoulder and pointed at my brothers and my best friend "and why are you pissed!"

Mia answered "Because of him!" and pointed at Drew.

"What did you do!" I said folding my arms over my chest and giving him the 'seriously' face.

He scratched the back of his neck and sighed. "I'm a-"

"DREW!" I heard a lady shout and I looked over and saw the Royal Queen I silently bowed my head Mia, Alex, Jay and Kyle did the same. She just marched up to Drew and said "Son where the Hell have you been!"

We gasped "SON!" My face widened he was a wolf but not once did I smell his wolf!

"Mom!" Drew whined.

I was still surprised! "Excuse me Drew your mom is the Royal Queen?!" I asked yet stated.

"Yes!" he replied.

"So your a werewolf?" he nodded "Then the two years we have dated not once did I smell your wolf... Not once and those people I just beat...You let me do it alone because you still wanted me to think you were Human!"

"No Teddy I love you but when I saw you take Xavier to talk to him it hurt me... I thought you were cheating on me so I listened in and I know what secret there talking about but they can only tell you on your 17th birthday or there braking the Werewolf law!"

"What Law!" I stated

"The law where you promise the Royal family something then you have to keep it till there 17th birthday!"

I like how people treat me like dirt! I Pushed Drew out of the way and ran past the Queen. Before I left the property I turned around and said the truth "Oh and Drew here's the Truth I didn't fall Okay! Remember Kate... Oh yeah... She stabbed me in the gut! And it was silver too and I went into a 3 week coma!"I then ripped off my sweat shirt and the baggy shirt I had on and now I was standing in my bright red bra "and Guys cant even touch me because it hurts and forms bruises... Yeah and You have been the first one that their touch didn't hurt... I don't know Why! But it happens!"

I was pissed that he didn't tell me he was a wolf but he kept this secret from me too. I spun on my heel and put my shirt on and ran like hell.

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