Chapter 9

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 We broke apart and I looked into the eyes of a angry teenage girl about my age. I quickly dropped my arms and looked from the girl to Xavier.

She stomped toward Xavier. "How could you I thought you loved me!" then slapped him across the face. I didn't stand there my wolf was mad. I stood in front of Xavier and growled feeling my eyes change.

She took one look at me and flinched a little. I felt Xavier trying to calm me down and it worked I calmed down feeling my wolf crawl back into my mind and I spoke "Who are you?"

"I'm Katherine, Warrior of the scarlet moon pack. Who are you!?" she spat.

I growled but spoke with anger clear in my voice. "Elizabeth Teddy Royal, daughter of the moon goddess, Mate to Xavier Paul Royal." I spat mate to make it clear to her!

Kathrine looked at me eyes wide. She looked at Xavier and smiled a forced smile and whispered "I'm happy for you!"

I saw tears in her eyes and I hate when people are sad because of me. She turned to leave and I herd her sob a soft sob "Kathrine!" I said sadly she turned to face me tears falling out of her eyes. "There's someone I want you to meet." I felt there eyes on me and I shut my eyes tight knowing this is bad idea to them but I had a good feeling about it.

"Who?" her face lighting up a little.

"Follow me!" I said with a smile.

I started walking through the house looking for Drew. I know we were together for about 2 years but I know bringing him a beautiful girl who might be his mate and I sure as hell hope so to him. Please cheer him up!

I walked into the living room and looked around. I heard soft sobs and looked at Kathrine there not from her. I walked down a narrow hallway and came to a few doors.

How come I have never been down this hallway? I thought. The sobs became a little louder as I got closer I got to a door then heard a sharp scream.

I flinched. Then I heard shuffling and I knew I wasn't the only one who heard it. My eyes were wide I knew that scream it was Drew's I should know he breaks lot's of bones!

"Move back!" I spat as a warning to everyone near me. I kicked down the door and it burst through the wall on the other side. I looked everywhere and saw nobody I listened... nothing. I was confused. I walked through the small blue empty room to the wall the door went through.

I looked around and heard shuffling. I sniffed. I smelled werewolf, and Human! I searched the room for something anything I found a small compartment and grabbed the first thing I saw a gun. Wooden bullets because it was light. Then a silver bullets one just in case.

I jumped out the window and onto the ground when someone stopped me. I looked over and saw someone handing me a pair of jeans and boots I quickly threw them on and left my fuzzy pants on the ground. I picked up there scent and ran toward it. Tucking the weapons into my pants and running.

I saw a small figure holding another. I ran faster.

I quickly caught up to them and tackled the bleach blonde girl. she threw Drew as she fell.

She took one look at me and smirked "Elizabeth! So nice to meet my niece once and for all!" Niece? No way this is my aunt!

'Elizabeth this is your mother she is my step sister she is human and is a powerful hunter!'  My mother mind-linked me? weird but cool!

"Nope!" I said popping the 'P' she looked at me and I wasn't going to have another fight my back still hurt! I pulled out a gun and shot he in the shoulder. "I'm not doing another fight!"

I ran toward Drew and he was breathing I turned around and looked at Kyle "Kyle take Drew to the house he has some broken bones and a few cuts." he did as told and ran back to the house.

I was about to walk back when I heard a branch snap I turned quickly and looked into the eyes of Kate....Kate!

I looked her up and down same features same black hair and tan skin "Kate!" I growled and she looked confused.

"Who are you talking to?" she said.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Miranda! who are you?"

"I'm Ted- Elizabeth." I corrected.

"Liz?!" she squealed and ran toward me and hugged me. I tumbled back into a tree and groaned.

she stepped back "Sorry!" I looked her up and down and saw something shining on her belt.

"What's that?" I asked pointing to it.

She looked at the small shining object and pulled it out and revealed a silver dagger she was touching the blade so she was human or a vampire.

I looked at the blade closer and stepped back. it was the same blade that nearly killed me.

"Liz? Whats wrong?" she asked.

"Where did you get that?!" I said shaking

"Oh this? My mother got it for me!"

"Who's your mother?" I asked a little too quickly.

"Amanda Valentine... Why?"

"Miranda or whatever your name is you look like someone I knew and nearly killed me and you are definitely not my cousin!" I stated. I turned to leave and the dagger stuck into the tree next to me.

She threw it at me! I spun around on my heel and stared at her. "Teddy...Teddy...Teddy! looks like I failed to kill you again!"

I stared at her and saw 'her' morph into Mike.

I growled Loud! I whipped out a gun and shot straight between his eyes.

He stared at me like he was shocked that I just did that. Fine the hard way it is then! He charged at me and jumped and when he was three foot off the ground and a few feet away from me I flung him into a tree and he groaned. I smirked I did it with my eyes not my hand.

I walked to him and stared at him. "How the hell did you do that Teddy!?" Mike spat.

"Mike that is not my name it's Elizabeth Teddy Royal, and the daughter of the moon goddess holder of all elements." I smirked and kicked him in the face.

I heard running and shuffling and looked to see Xavier and my brothers. Before I said anything my brothers were already getting Mike and dragging him away leaving Xavier and I alone.

We looked at each other and I just smiled. His expression just widened. "What?" I asked confused

"Turn around!" he growled

I rolled my eyes and turned around then I felt his hands on my back and I hissed.

"Teddy you're bleeding it's all over your back and-"

Before he said anything else I blacked out in the dirt.

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