Chapter 2

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We all looked at Dylan and he shot daggers at me. He glanced at Mia and pointed his finger at her and said "your eyes!"

I quickly looked at her before she closed her eyes they were a dark red color.

"Mia your eyes are red!" I said and Mia mumbled 'shit' I wondered what the hell was going on so I stretched her name out "Mia. What are you hiding from me!" I said with a hint of anger and she gave me an 'I'm innocent' smile. I growled and it was loud it made Dylan flinch. "Mia!" I semi shouted.

Mia finally gave in and told me. "I'm a werepire!" Now I was confused

"What's that?" I asked

"I'm a hybrid T!" I was shocked a werewolf and vampire hybrid a hybrid can do everything a vampire and a werewolf can do. But a hybrid gets all their abilities at the age of 16 not 17. That means that she can heal quickly. She can also heal humans with her blood. Mia can also heal poisoned vampires and werewolves. (Sorry I love the vampire diaries!) this secret was HUGE! But why did she keep it from me?

I had so many questions but only one came out "How?"

Mia looked at me and started to explain "My Mother and Father when they first met they were pure wolves. But when they were attacked by vampires. The vampires bit them and turned them. A few months later my mom got pregnant with me and when I was born they found that I was a hybrid but when I was 3 my brother was born and he was full werewolf!"

For the first time Kyle spoke " but we would be able to smell the vampire in you?"

"Actually since I'm half vampire and half werewolf I smell human compared to you I look and smell human!" Mia looked at me and said "I wanted to keep this from you till your birthday because it would go with your present!"

I groined I told her to never get me something but she always does. Just like today on her birthday we always go to the mall for my present for her we always do this! I looked at Kyle and Mia they were so cute together but really Kyle you Reject her!

"Uh Kyle can you put me down please!" Mia whispers slightly!

"Oh uh yeah!" Kyle said putting Mia back on the ground.

It was then that single time Mia and Kyle look into each others eyes Kyle just says something I thought he would never say "I Kyle Valentine accept you Mia Star as my mate." Mias eyes were wide and she was shocked

"I-I- " she was cut off by Kyle's lips.
Mia was completely shocked all of us except Dylan who just cleared his throat and broke them up and Kyle shot daggers at Dylan.

Mia took that chance and ran out the door and I followed her.

Mia and I went into my room and just sat on the bed. so I broke the long silence "Come on let's go to the mall!" I said with a smile on my face

Mia looked at me like I was crazy she looked at me up and down with her eyes. I looked down at my at my outfit my blue and white striped shirt and my light was blue jeans were covers in blood but it wasn't mine nor Mias. "Oh yeah a vampire came and tried to kill me like my father!" When I told her that her wide eyes were filled with worry and surprise but quickly faded. I said "I'm just gonna take a quick shower you can too if you want you know where your spare room is." with that Mia then left to go to the room down the hall which was her room she stays here a lot so we just gave her, her own room. I grabbed a pair of under where and a bra, along with a pair of dark wash jeans with a hole in the knee and a light blue sun top where the straps tie around your neck and walked over to the bathroom connected to my room.

About 15 minutes later I walked out of the shower wand threw on my clothes then started drying my hair and that took 10 minutes then applied light make up. when that was done I opened the door to go get Mia when I stopped and stared at Kyle. Honestly I thought it was going to be Dylan like it usually is since my dad died.

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