Chapter 20

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Louis’s POV

I know it’s wrong but I just cant seem to get Ella out of my head.  Everything that she does just seems so perfect.  

“Are you ready?” A voice asked me snapping me out of my thoughts.  

“Huh?” I looked up and saw Danielle looking at me.

“I asked if you were ready to go.” 

“Oh, uh, yeah, just let me grab my shoes.” I said walking off to my room.  I slipped on my blue TOMS and looked in the mirror.  Why doesn’t Ella like me? Oh that’s right she likes Harry.  Why does Harry get all the girls? Ugh! 

I walked out and everyone was sitting around waiting on me.  

“It’s about time! I’m starved!” Niall yelled running towards the car. 

“Niall don’t run! Nando’s isn’t going anywhere!” Liam yelled taking off after him.  These people are nuts!

Everyone got up and followed the two out, I locked the door and joined them.

“So Zayn, Louis, and Ella can ride with Harry. And Liz, Niall, and Dani will ride with me?  How does that sound?” Liam asked looking at us. 

“I don’t really care Liam, just as long as I get food!” Niall said getting into Liam’s car. 

Everyone split and got into the appropriate cars.  Well this car ride is going to awkward.

Zayn’s POV

Something about Louis seems off.  Yeah I know that he just broke it off with Eleanor, but this is different.  Like usually when he breaks up with females he mopes around all day.  It hasn’t even been 24 hours since the break up and he seems completely fine.  What is going on with this boy?  I think I should ask him.  But I can’t this car ride is too quiet, and I don’t what Harry and Ella to hear this conversation. I know! I will text him!

To: Louis;)

Hey Bro, whats going on with you? 


And send. Now to sit here and wait. I saw him pull his phone out of his pocket, and look at me.  I just smiled then looked out the window.  I felt my phone vibrate, I looked down and saw a message from Louis.

From: Louis;)

What do you mean? I am fine.


I know for a fact he wasn’t fine. Nobody is fine after breaking up with a girl of 2 years.


Dude, NOBODY and I mean NOBODY is fine after a break up.  Especially, when you were with someone for two years.


I sat  there awkwardly while he read the message.  Something is definitely, and I am going to get to the bottom of it.

Louis’s POV

Why is Zayn bugging me like this? I am fine why doesn’t he believe me? I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.  I pulled it out and read the message from Zayn.

From: Zaynie

Dude, NOBODY and I mean NOBODY is fine after a break up.  Especially, when you were with someone for two years.


To: Zaynie

Zayn, she cheated on me, she lied to me, she lost all my trust.  She isn’t worth crying over.  Plus, our relationship hasn’t been the best for awhile, it was only a matter of time. 


And send.  What I said was the truth.  Eleanor and I’s relationship was slowly crumbling, and it was only a matter of time till we broke up.  And when she cheated on me that was just the cherry on top, it had to be done.

Zayn’s POV

From: Louis;)

Zayn, she cheated on me, she lied to me, she lost all my trust.  She isn’t worth crying over.  Plus, our relationship hasn’t been the best for awhile, it was only a matter of time. 


This still seems really suspicious but I will let it go for now.

To: Louis;)

Whatever you say man, you know you can always talk to me about ANYTHING.  I am here for you.


From: Louis;)

Thanks man.


Well he replied fast.

“We’re here!” Harry yelled jumping out of the car, Louis and Ella following.  But me on the other hand had to talk to Liam.

“Hey, Liam.”

“What’s up Zayn?” He asked walking over to me.

“Have you noticed anything different about one of the guys?”

“Are you talking about haw Louis seems oddly happy?” Good so he saw it too.

“So I’m not the only one that noticed?”

“Not at all.  We were talking about it on the way here.  Liz said she like it’s because he already has moved on.  But, she wont tell us how she knows that.” Okay so am I the only one that doesn’t really know who this Liz chick is.  I thought she was just Niall’s one night stand.

“Who is Liz?” I asked him.

“Ella’s life long friend.”

“Oh? I thought she was Niall’s one night stand.” Liam laughed.

“If Niall would have had sex with her last night, not only would he have to deal with Ella but he would have to deal with me, plus Niall isn’t like that.  I think he actually may like Liz.”

“I hope so, she seems really cool.” And that’s the truth she did seem cool, and it’s time that Niall found somebody.

“Come on we need to get in there, I am starving.” Liam said gesturing towards Nando’s.

I think I need to talk to this Liz girl.

Ella's New 'Friend' (A Harry Styles fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now