Chapter 29

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Harry’s POV

I rolled over and looked at the clock.  Wow I have slept all day..... Oh well. I walked downstairs and found my mum in the kitchen.

“Hey Mum.”

“Well good evening sleepy head!” she teased. “Sleep well?”

“Yeah, I had this strange dream that Ella called me and yeah.”

“Harry, dear, Ella did call you.” I looked at her with wide eyes.

“You mean that wasn’t a dream? And how do you know?”

“She called really early this morning.  Way before you and I talked, I didn’t answer it though.”

“Should I call her back?”


“But the reason I came here was to get away from her, what good is calling her doing?”

“You love her Harry.  You need to call her.”

“Okay, I guess.” I said grabbing a glass of water and walked out on the back porch. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and debated on whether or not I should call her.  I decided on giving it a try. I clicked on her name and waited for her to answer. 

“Hello this is Ella’s phone, Zayn speaking.” great. Zayn answered. I was just about to answer when I heard yelling on the other line.  “Zayn, Is that my phone?!” Ella asked.


“Zayn! Oh my gosh give it to me! What are you doing on it!?”

“Talking to your boyfriend.”

“I don’t have a boyfriend! No damn it Zayn give me the phone!”

“I am on the phone you can wait!” 

“Could you at least tell me who you are talking to?” Ella begged.  I can imagine her doing her puppy dog eyes. This made me smile.


“What?” She whispered.

“I’m talking to Harry, Ella.” There was a little bit of rustling on the other line then a squeal.

“Ouch! Ella! OWWW!” I’m guessing that was Zayn.

“Hello?” I heard Ella’s sweet voice.

“Hey babe.”

“Harry! Oh my gosh! Why the fuck did you leave!?” She yelled through the phone.

“Ella, calm down let me explain.”

“Please do Harry, because I would love to know.”

“I thought you hated me, I couldn’t take it, you would completely ignore me. Do you know how it feels when someone you love hates you?”

“Harry, I do know how it feels, more than you ever will!” She yelled at me through the phone.

“Oh really!?”

“Yes really! Another thing you probably have never felt is the love of your damn life committing suicide!” Ella screamed.  I froze. 


“Ella give my the phone.” I heard Zayn say on the other line.  

“Ella.. what do you mean?” I managed to spit out.

“I-I’m sorry, I have to go.” She said, she sounded fragile.  


“Harry” Zayn was now speaking.

Ella's New 'Friend' (A Harry Styles fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now