Chapter 22

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Ella’s POV

I really don’y know why I flipped on Harry.  I think it’s just the fact that he treated me just like Liam would.  I thought Harry would be different. I really liked him, and I still do! Ugh! 

I have been laying in bed for two hours, not being able to sleep.  I grabbed my guitar from under the bed and my note book and opened my door quietly. I looked around everyone was asleep.  I snuck out to the pool and sat down. Set my guitar on my lap, opened my book and began to strum and sing a song that I wrote.

“The letter is in your mail box

  I’ve made up my mind

that doesn’t make it easier

to leave all this behind

So I hold tight to the wheel

So I wont turn around

It hasn’t made me the strong one

but hid in the ground

And I know I said 

when it was time to let me go

but now all I want is for you

to chase me down this road

Baby I wish you would go crazy

Hit the wall and scream that you need me

maybe just one tear would justify 

why I’m here crying over what you don’t miss

Why don’t I bring you to your knees

make you beg oh baby baby please

oh I'm praying for these words that you wont say

oh cause I wish you would make me stay

Calm and so collected 

you completely understand 

you've never been one to raise your voice

or make any demands

So why am I so unhappy

Your hands are longing awhile

If this even hurts at all

oh id never tell

and maybe you hid the pain

just so I wont see

but all your strength just looks like 

you've never loved me ohhhh

Baby I wish you would go crazy

Hit the wall and scream that you need me

maybe just one tear would justify 

why I’m here crying over what you don’t miss

No I didn't want to make this choice

so why cant you just take my voice

hold me here and tell me I cant leave

i wish you would go crazy

Hit the wall and scream that you need me

Why don't i bring you to your knees

And make you beg oh baby back for me 

Oh im praying for these words that you wont say 

Oh I wish you would make me stay

Ella's New 'Friend' (A Harry Styles fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now