Chapter 24

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Niall’s POV

“So why did you drag me to Starbucks?” I asked Ella, as we sat down at a table.

“I just wanted to talk.” I looked at her confused.


“Liz?” She said, more like a question.  But just the sound of her name made me smile.  

“What about her?”

“Do you like her?”

“Well, yeah.” I could feel myself start to blush.

“Do you think you will ask her out?”  I have thought about.

“We’ll see.” She smiled at my answer.

“That’s good.” She said, taking a sip of her coffee.

“Ella, why did you really drag me here?” I knew she didn’t just drag me here to talk about Liz.  

“Well, uhh,” she was now fidgeting in her seat, “Do you thing that I am being to hard on Harry?” This question caught me off guard. I mean I do thing that she is being a bit hard on Harry, but I am sure she has her reasons.  

“Truthfully?” I asked her.


“Well, Yes I think you are, but, I’m sure you have your reason.  So just let things play out.  

“Okay,” she smiled at me, “thanks Nialler.”

“No problem.” I said taking a sip of my tea.  I looked up and saw her smiling at her phone.

“Who ya texting?”

“Louis.” Why is she texting Louis?

“You and Louis don’t have a thing right?”  I asked her hoping that she would saw no.  She couldn’t do that to Harry.  That would kill him.

Ella’s POV

“What? No!” Niall is crazy if he thinks I would do that to Harry!

“Oh okay good.” He looked over at the clock on the wall. “Oi! I am supposed to meet Liz in ten minutes! I will see you later Ella!” And with that he was gone.  Well that was fun. I felt my phone vibrate I picked it up and saw a text from Louis.

From: Louis(;

So what’s up Ella?


To: Louis(;

Well just sitting at Starbucks alone......Care to join me?(:



I’m right by there! Be there in 5!(:(:(:



Great! See ya soon(:


Now all I have to do is wait.  I put my head phones in and hit my relax playlist.  Up All Night started playing.  I put my head down and started to think.  I do feel bad for keeping Zayn up all night.  And I kind of regret telling him my story, but I trust Zayn. I don’t think he would tell any one else would he? Just as the song ended I felt someone tap my shoulder, I think I jumped about ten feet in the air. I looked over and saw Louis smiling at me.  I took the head phones out,

“Geez Lou! You scared me!”

“I’m sorry babe!  What were you listening to?”  I could feel myself start to blush.  I have never admitted to anyone that I listen to the boys.

Ella's New 'Friend' (A Harry Styles fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now