Chapter 21

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Hey people, sorry the language is kinda bad in this one!


Liz’s POV

“So Zayn, Louis, and Ella can ride with Harry. And Liz, Niall, and Dani will ride with me?  How does that sound?” Liam asked looking at us. 

“I don’t really care Liam, just as long as I get food!” Niall said getting into Liam’s car, and I followed him.  Liam and his girlfriend got in the front while Niall and I sat in the back.  The car ride was silent for a while until Liam spoke up.

“Does anyone else think Louis is acting strange?” He looked around at all of us.  Yes I noticed but I was good enough friends with them to tell them. 

“Liz?” I heard Niall say, I looked over at him.


“Are you okay?” I guess I should tell them what I think.

“Yeah, it’s just, I think I know whats wrong with Louis.” Danielle looked back at me.

“You do?”

“Yes, I think he is falling for Annabella.” After the words left my mouth everyone turned and looked at me.

“What do you mean?” Liam asked.

“How is that possible, he just broke up with Eleanor?” Danielle asked me.

“I can see where she is coming from,” Niall added. “If you watch him, he is always starting at her with that look in his eyes.”

“Exactly!” I joined in. 

“I will have to keep an eye out for that.” Liam said.

“Yeah, how did he move on so fast?” Danielle asked.

“That I don’t know.” I told her.

“We’re here!” Liam yelled out, and I was soon dragged out of the car by Niall.

“Niall let me go!” I was yelling while trying not to laugh.

“NO!” He yelled picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.


“May I help you sir?” I heard a man I couldn’t see ask.

“Table for.....”

“Eight! Now put me down!” I yelled. 

“Oh yeah, sorry.” Niall said setting me down.

“It’s okay” I said smoothing out my clothes.

“Right this way Lady’s and gentlemen.” The waiter said.  I turned around and saw everyone grinning at Niall and I.  When did they get here?

Ella’s POV

Well that was a super quiet ride, everyone seemed to be doing their own thing.  

We are now sitting at the table in Nando’s, looking at our menu’s.  Liam and Dani and to my left and Harry is on my left, Zayn across from him, Louis in front of me, then Liz and Niall. 

“Does everybody know what they want?” Liam asked looking around at us all. We all nodded our heads yes.

“Hi, I’m Eric and I’ll be your server today, what can I get for you guys?” Our waiter asked. I looked up and saw one sexy guy.  He was about 20 and was smiling at me.

Ella's New 'Friend' (A Harry Styles fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now