Chapter 16

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Harry’s POV

I just shook my head letting Niall know I heard him.  I watched as he carried Liz bridal style up to the house.  Watching them made me really want to be sleeping next to Ella right now.  God.  I cannot believe that she tried to have sex with me.  I would have been okay with it if Liam hadn’t walked in on us. Ugh!  Now Liam is pissed at me.  

I laid my head against the cold cab window, and shut my eyes.  I just need to forget about the world at this moment.  

“Sir?” I was suddenly awaken by the cab driver. 

“Huh?” I asked confused.

“We are at your hotel, Sir.” I looked out the window and saw a small hotel.  I shook my head and got out.  I went to hand the cab driver some money but he stopped me.  

“Your friend already paid, so don’t worry about it.”  I looked at him and gave him a weak smile.

“Thanks.” I stuffed my hands into my pockets and headed towards the hotel.  I got the key and headed to my room.  The room was small, perfect for one.  By the time I got into bed it was 3:45.  I decided I should text Niall to thank him for all he did tonight.  

To: Niall

Hey, thanks for everything tonight.


I set my phone on the nightstand and shut my eyes.  It was time for me to get some rest.

Niall’s POV

I had to text Harry to see what the fuck had happened.  When I picked my phone up to text him, I got a message.  It was from Harry,

Hey, thanks for everything tonight.


Shit. What am I supposed to do?  Act like everything as all great here?  Hell no! I guess I will just go to bed and talk to him about it in the morning.  I got in bed next to Liz and fell asleep.

Ella's New 'Friend' (A Harry Styles fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now