Chapter 6

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Harry’s POV

After Liam pushed me down Ella ran into the house.  I decided he needed to know the truth. 

“Yes, Liam we were making out, but when she pushed me away do you know what she said?” I started. “She said that we couldn't because she didn't talk to you first!” and that was the truth.  There was one more thing I needed to tell him, “You know?  Ella trusts you, and she loves the fact that you trust her, but what you just did ruined that.” and with that I ran after Ella into the house.  No one was home so I just let myself in.

“Ella?” I called through the house.  I walked up the stairs and heard something coming from a room.  I opened the door and it lead to a bedroom.  It was a big bedroom, with pale purple walls and a king sized bed.  The bed had a white and black comforter with tons of pillows.  The walls were covered in pictures of Ella and her friends.  I am guessing this is Ella's room.  I turned around to look at the other wall, it was covered with pictures of her and Liam.  She really loved him.  

“Harry?” I turned around to see Ella standing in a towel, with her long brown hair wet down her back.  She looked absolutely amazing.  I was practically drooling over her.

“H-hey Ella.” I stuttered

“What are you doing in here?” She asked me

“Do you want me to leave?” I asked heading towards the door.  She grabbed my arm.

“No, you should stay.” She let go of my arm and walked into her huge closet.  I decided to go take a seat on her bed. When I sat on her bed, the phone next to me rang.  

“Harry can you answer that for me?”  Ella called from the closet.

“Sure!” I picked up her phone and hit answer. “Hello?”

“Who is this? And why are you answering Ella’s phone?”  The girl on the other line was questioning me.  

“I am Ella's friend, who are you?” I questioned back

“Only Ella’s best friend ever!” She practically screamed through the phone.

“Harry who is it?”  Ella called from the closet.

“Im not sure! Hold on i will ask!”  Just as I finished my sentence Ella walked out of the closet with nothing but her sexy lace bra and lace panties on.  She looked absolutly incredible. 

Ella’s POV 

I was in my closet changing when I heard my phone ring.

“Harry can you answer that for me?” I asked Harry

“Sure!” He yelled and answered my phone.  I could hear him talking to who ever was on the other line.

“I am Ella’s friend, who are you?” Harry questioned the person on the other line.

“Harry who is it?” I called form the closet

“I’m not sure! Hold on I will ask!” Harry called back. I decided to just find out for myself.  I walked out of the closet in just my underwear and bra.  I figure that was okay, I'm sure Harry didn't mind.  When Harry saw me, he his eyes got huge, and his mouth was open a little.  

“Like what you see?” I joked, and he just sat there frozen. I started to laugh and grabbed the phone out of his hands.

“Hello?” I answered

“Ella! Who was that boy who answered you phone!?” I knew right away who it was.  It was my old friend Liz from my last school.  She is really the only friend I have.  Beside Dani.  

“Hey Liz! Oh him? That was Harry.”

“Is he your boyfriend and you didn't tell me!?”

“What? No!” I looked over at Harry and he was fixing his shorts. Hah, I didn't mean for that to happen. He looked up at me and caught me looking at him, he started blushing.  Harry was blushing!?

Harry’s POV

This girl drove me absolutely crazy.  She was now talking to the girl on the phone, standing by her dresser still in only her bra and underwear.  I could feel something growing in my pants. Shit Harry, not now! I looked down and you could tell I had a full hard on. SHIT! I tried fixing my pants so it wouldn't show, when I looked up she was looking at me with a grin on her face. I could feel my cheeks turning red. SHIT! Now I am blushing!  She just giggled and walked back into the closet. Thank god! I don't think I could handle seeing her like that anymore.

Liam’s POV

I’m just sitting in my car with my head against the steering wheel.  What am I supposed to do!? I yelled at Danielle, Louis, Harry, and Ella.  I could have ruined our friendships! I had to go straighten things out with Ella and Harry.  So I got out of my car and headed towards the house.  I let myself in and walked to Ella's room. Without knocking I waked in and was shocked to see Harry sitting on the bed.  He looked uncomfortable and different.  Where was Ella? I heard her talking to someone in the closet, she must be on the phone.  Harry looked over to me and quickly stood up, fixing his shorts.

“Hi” I quietly said.


“Harry look can we talk?” As soon as I asked Ella walked out still on the phone, only with a pair of short shorts and her bra on. What the freak does she think she's doing!?

“Harry do you think,” she stopped when she saw me. “What are you doing in here? Get out!” she screamed at me.

“Ella, cant we talk about this?” I begged her.

“No! Liam, out now! I don't want to see you!”

“Annabella! Please” Yes I used her entire first name.  She swung around and glared at me.

“What did you just call me?” Her question was harsh. 

“Ella, please just let me explain everything!”

“No Liam, please just leave.” I decided to obey her and I walked out of the room.  I was half way down the steps when I heard footsteps behind me.

“Liam, you wanted to talk?”  I turned around and saw Harry looking at me.  I shook my head yes and we headed into the living room.

“Look, Harry. I am so sorry I didn't trust you.  I know I should have, and I am sorry I pushed you.  I was just so pissed I didn't know what to do.”  Harry the interrupted me,

“Liam, don't worry about it I'm not mad at you for that, I am mad at you for upsetting Ella.  Look Liam I really like her, and I wouldn't do anything to hurt her.  Yes, I know that I only met her today but there was a connection between us.  I have never felt this way for anyone before.  Liam I am asking for your permission to like her.  I know this is crazy but I want you to be okay with me liking her.”


“Yeah Liam?”

“I trust you, just know that if you hurt her, I will hurt you,” I was the interrupted by a voice behind me,

“I will hurt him before you even get to him.”  I turned around to see Ella standing there (now fully clothed) with a smirk on her face.  It vanished when she saw me looking at her. She then walked over to me and gave me a hug.

“I’m sorry for yelling at you Liam.”

“You should not be sorry at all!  I was the ass hole!  I should have trusted you and I didn't.  I am so sorry Ella. I really am.” She hugged me harder and looked up at me.

“I forgive you.” She said.

Ella's New 'Friend' (A Harry Styles fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now