Chapter 4

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Harry’s POV

When I heard Ella didn't have a ride back to her house, I knew this was my chance to be alone with her.  I jumped off of the stool that I was sitting on and 

walked with her to grab her bag.  I could feel everyone looking at me but I didn't care.  Ella's bag looked heavy, I walked over to her.  She was about to put it on her back.

“Here let me take that for you.” I said with my signature smile on my face.  She turned around smiled at me.

“Are you sure? Its really heavy!”

“Yes, I'm sure! Now hand it over so we can get to your house!” she gave me a smile and thanked me.  Wow I have only known this girl for less than 24 hours and  I really liked her.  I took her bag and headed to my car.  WOW! She was right this bag was heavy! I don't know how she could carry this around all day.  We got to the car and I threw her bag in the back seat while she got in the passenger side.  I jumped into the drivers side, started the car, and started to back out. Before I pulled completely out of the drive way I realized I had no clue where I was going.



“Where exactly is your house?” A small giggle escaped her lips.  Gosh I love her little giggle.

“I will tell you as we go!” She said smiling at me.  God, her smile was beautiful!  Its about time Liam had a sister my age!  I pulled completely out of the driveway and she began to talk to me. 

“Head towards the school, but instead of turning left into the school, turn right.

“Okie dokie!”  What type of response was that Harry!? Geez! 

For ten minutes, we sat in my car, driving to her house in silence.  It wasn't an awkward silence it was more like peaceful.  The entire time all I could think about was the girl sitting next to me.  She was like nobody I have ever met before. She was just so...

“Do you mind if I turn the radio on?” I snapped out of my thought and saw Ella looking at me.  

“Uh, yeah sure go right ahead.” I watched as she turned the radio up.  I listened to what the radio guy was saying.

“And now for our number one hit! Ed Sheeran’s song Drunk!”

“I love this song!” We both yelled at the same time.  She started to laughing and I couldn't help but laugh to.  We both went quiet as the song started.  Ella also started to sing along.

I wanna be drunk when I wake up 

On the right side of the wrong bed 

And every excuse I made up 

Tell you the truth I hate 

What didn't kill me 

It never made me stronger at all. 

Love will scar your make-up lip sticks to me 

So now I'll maybe leave back there 

I'm sat here wishing I was sober 

I know I'll never hold you like I used to.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing!  Ella had an amazing voice! I decided to chime in.

But our house gets cold when you cut the heating

Without you to hold I'll be freezing

Ella's New 'Friend' (A Harry Styles fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now