Thats all she ever wanted, thats all she ever wished for, but thats never what she got. 17 year old Annabella, 5 foot 4, long wavy brown hair, brown eyes, beautiful teenage girl, she only wanted one thing in her life, and that was a guy that treated her right. Since she was little she has had 5 different dads. All five neglected her, acted like she wasn't there, beat her, or harassed her, and her mother never said a word or tried to stop them. Ella always wished that her Prince charming would come along like in all of those silly fairy tales, but he hadn't yet and she thought he never would.
It was her Senior year, she only had to make it through one more year before she was out of that place. Her mom dropped her off at the front of Richardson High School, she got out and just stood staring at the building.
“I will be here to pick you up at 3:30 be ready.” her mom said.
“okay....” she said, as her mom drove off.
She walked in the building, found her first period and sat in the back of the class room like she did every year. Soon after she sat her class mates started to come into the room and fill the empty desks. They were all hugging, laughing, talking about how their summers were, and how much they missed each other. But Ella just sat there, drawing in her note book. She never really made any friends, because when she did, her dad at the moment would scare them off and they would be afraid to talk to her. So she just stopped trying.
This man walked in the room, he was a younger man, maybe around 24 or 25, he was tall, kinda muscular, blonde hair, blue eyes. He wrote his name on the board “Mr. Duke”, he set the chalk down and turned around and started to talk.
“Okay class settle down, find a seat and we will begin”
Everyone found a seat and sat facing Mr. Duke.
“Alright” he began as he jumped up and sat on the front of his desk, “ Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Mr. Duke, I am the new English teacher this year, I am here to teach you, help you, and help you guys have fun. If you guys are having any problems come talk to me i am here for you. So lets start today by going around the room and introducing yourselves. Let me see who will start.... how about the young lady in the back!”
Ella looked up and saw Mr. Duke looking straight at her.
“Me?” Ella questioned
“Yes, tell me who you are and what you like to do.” Ella stood up, and all eyes turned to her. She could feel herself turning red and she began to speak.
“ Umm... my name is Ella, I enjoy drawing, listening to music, acting, reading and singing.” she quickly sat down.
“Well Ella its very nice to meet you, young man your next.”
Ella just put her head down and tried to block out the world. Next thing she knew the bell was ringing for second period to start. She packed her stuff and tried walking out of the room quickly, when she heard Mr. Duke yell her name.
“Ella, can i talk to you for a second!?” she walked over and stood by his desk looking down.
“Yes Mr. Duke?”
“ You like singing and acting right?”
“Ummm.....Yes sir.”
“Have you ever thought about doing Theatre?”
“Well why not?”
“I don't know i guess because i am not that comfortable in front of people” The bell then rang and she was late to class. “Can i go sir? I am late for math.”
“Oh yes sorry, go ahead.” Ella then went quickly out of the room and headed to Math class.
When she got there, they had already started. As soon as she walked in the class room everybody stopped and looked at her.
“I am guessing you are Miss. Brown?” asked an older lady maybe her mid 60s.
“Yes, ma'am.”
“Why are you late?”
“I was talking to Mr. Duke.”
“Well you were marked absent on the attendance sheet and i just sent it down, so you must go down to the office and get a note and tell them you are here.”
“Okay, sorry” Ella walked back out of the room and headed down the hall way. As she was walking down the hall way she turned the corner and smacked into someone. She fell to the floor and her books flew everywhere.
“I am so sorry! I should have been watching where I was walking!”
“No its okay....” Ella looked up and saw the cutest boy she had ever seen. He was about 18, 5 foot 10, big green eyes, tan, and had his brown hair up in a long curls swept to the side.
“Are you sure i feel horrible! Here let me help you pick up your stuff!”
“No thats okay... you don't have to.”
“but i want to.” Ella looked up at him and he smiled at her and she shyly smiled back. “is that okay?”
“Yeah, sure.” She started to gather her stuff and he bent down and started to help her.
“I’m Harold by the way. But I prefer Harry” he stuck out his hand to help her up.
“Oh hi, I'm Ella” she shook his hand and he helped her up, and handed her stuff to her.
“Where were you heading Ella?”
“To the office, what about you?”
“Same, I just have no clue where its at!”
“Well follow me! I’ll show you!”
“Thanks Ella! you’re a life saver!” Ella just smiled and started to walk, and Harry started to follow.
“Are you new here? I don't think I’ve ever seen you around.” Ella asked
“ I just moved here.”
“Oh really? Where from?”
“Holmes Chapel, Cheshire England!”
“Wow! That’s far! You went from Cheshire all the way to Wolverhampton!”
“Yeah, ha, you are actually the only person I’ve met today.”
“Is that a good thing?” She asked
“Yeah. It is.” Harry said giving her this big flirtatious smile. Ella could feel her face getting bright.
They approached the office and Harry being the flirt he is held the door open for her.
“So this is the office?” Harry asked.
“Yeah. It’s nothing special...” Ella said
“Well, it was really nice meeting you Ella. I hope we can talk again soon.” Harry said. Ella was about to answer when the the lady behind the desk asked Harry what he wanted.
“Can I help you young man?” The lady asked Harry, as he gave her one more big flirty smile. He turned around and started talking to the woman whose name tag read ‘Mrs. West’. Ella just stood there admiring everything about this boy. All these thoughts ran through her mind about how he could be the one, or how he could be just like all the others. All she knew was that he was just perfect.

Ella's New 'Friend' (A Harry Styles fan fiction)
FanfictionThis is my first story on here. I'm not a writer so please excuse if its not that good. *************************************************************************************** Ella is the shy quiet one, not many friends, except her childhood friend...