Chapter 13

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Hey guys!  Sorry this chapter is a little short!  Hopefully a long one will be coming up!


Louis’s POV

All I want to do is lay here on the couch and cry!  I still can’t believe Eleanor did this to me.  What have I ever done to her?  Nothing!  Exactly!  Ugh, why did Harry have to leave?  Can’t he see that I need him right now? I slam my head dow and moan, 


“Because,” someone said.  I looked up and saw Liam.  

“What do you mean because?”

“Louis,” I could hear that Liam sounded nervous.  He walked over and sat down next to me. “things happen for a reason.”

“I know this Liam, but what was the reason?” I asked slamming my head back into the pillow. 

“This isn’t the first time this has happened, Louis.”  I picked my head up and looked at him confused.

“What do you mean?” I could feel my heart breaking even more.  What does he mean this isn’t the first time.

“I think you need to go talk to Zayn.” Liam said, looking down at his feet.

“Why Zayn?” I asked

“Because he knows more about it than I do.” I shook my head and wondered what he meant by that.  All I know is that I had to find Zayn.

Zayn’s POV

Maybe this was a bad idea telling Louis. No!  He has to know the truth!  What Eleanor did wasn’t a one time thing.  She has done it before, and it’s time that Louis knows.  I was about get up to go find Louis when I heard a knock at my door.

“Come in!” I yelled, the door opened and a puffy, red-eyed Louis appeared.  

“What did Liam mean Zayn?” He asked me.  You could hear how fragile his voice sounded.  I looked down, I didn’t want to look him in the eyes.  He walked over and sat next to me on the bed. 

“Zayn, what did Liam mean?”  He asked me again.  I just sighed and looked at him.  He was on the verge of crying again.  



“Just hear me out before you say anything, please?” I asked.


“Okay, so this is what happened, It was a few months ago.  Do you remember when we all went out, and Eleanor got totally wasted and I got pretty drunk myself?” asking him making sure he knew what time I was talking about.  

“Yeah, that night that the new club opened.”

“Yeah that one.  Well when you went to go get a shower, Liam made a sandwich.”

“Zayn!  I don’t bloody care what Liam did! What happened with Eleanor?” He yelled at me.  I could feel myself start to choke up.

“Okay, okay. Well uh, Eleanor was trying to have sex with me.” It all just slipped out.  I could see him falling to pieces.

“You’re kidding right?”  Louis asked.  I shook my head,

“I’m so sorry Louis,  Liam and I kept this a secret because we knew how heart broken you would be if you found out.”  Tears started to fall down his face. “We knew how much you love her, we didn’t want to ruin that for you.”

“LOVED Zayn, that’s the key word!  How much I LOVED her.  Just like I trusted her, not only did I trust her but I also trusted you and Liam, and well look what happened there.  Thanks for being a so called friend Zayn!”  He yelled at me then stormed out.  

“WE DID IT FOR YOUR PROTECTION LOUIS!”  I yelled after him. I could feel the tears streaming down my face.  Damn, I really fucked up this time.

Liam’s POV

Louis came running into the room.   He had tears streaming down his face.  I stood up to try to talk to him, but instead he ran over to me and shoved me back on the couch next to Danielle.

“How could you Liam?  I trust you!”

“Louis, please calm down!  We did this for your protection!”

“If you were a true friend Liam then you would have told me.  But no Liam you lied to me!  You betrayed me!” with that he walked away.  I sighed and looked over at Danielle, 

“What am I supposed to do?”  I asked her

“Liam, babe, I’m sorry but you are on your own with this one.  I agree with Louis, you should have told him.”  Is she really siding with him right now?

“Danielle, please?”

“I’m sorry babe.”  She got up and walked back to the bedroom.  What am I supposed to do now?

Ella's New 'Friend' (A Harry Styles fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now