d.m - tension

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inspired by mrsmalfoy1005

God I feel lonely now. So lonely. Y/n doesn't even look at me in classes or at dinner. She's always staring at the table, and I never see her talking to her friends anymore. I guess I'm the same though, ever since the argument.

"I can't believe you! I never want to see your face again!"

Yeah. It was pretty heated. So of course I blame myself, cause it was my fault. You see, I may or may not have punched up Dean Thomas. The fucking idiot had the nerve to call Y/n a slut. So, being the kind and compassionate person I am, I punched his head in till he bled.

And you could say she was slightly angry. I don't really get why, because I was the one of with two months worth of detention, but she said it was because:

"I love you, and I don't want you to get hurt! Why don't you understand that!?"

At least she didn't break up with me, but I should've listen to her. The next day fucking Seamus Finnigan and Dean came back to give me a piece of their minds.

So now I sit in the Great Hall, with the biggest black eye Ive ever seen. Biting into my toast, I spot Y/n hunched over some Arithmancy homework, her face dull as she scans over the textbook.

"You alright mate?" Blaise inquires from beside me, realising I'm staring at Y/n.

"Sure." I huff, looking back down to my toast, and leaning on one hand.

"You should talk to her." I scoffed at his remark, "It might be worth it, yeah?"

"Mhm, maybe." Brushing a hand through my hair, I stood from the bench, slung my bad over my shoulder and walked out of the Great Hall. Several kids stared at me, great.


The orange glow from the lanterns spread across my textbooks which were sprawled over the desk. It was lucky I was alone in the library or people would be concerned of my murmurs and whispers to myself. Just reading the textbooks aloud to myself, that's all. Definitely not talking to myself about Y/n and her beautiful features, and the way she would smile at me from across the room and how she would– anyways.

The sound of the door opening alarmed me slightly, I figured everyone had gone to sleep. I was at the back of the library, so I hoped no one came back there. And yet they did, their footsteps carried closer to me so I just hunched over my work even more.

A small gasp escaped their lips, "Oh, sorry."

Hold on. That voice. I snapped my head up straight away, and there she stood, eyes wide and desperate. I probably reflected the same face as we remained eye contact.

"Y/n..." I whispered, "We– we should talk?"

"Uhm, I guess." She stalked over to my table and dragged out the chair next to me before sitting down.

"Y/n, I'm really so–" I began, but Y/n intruded.

"I'm sorry." She said quietly, looking down at her hands.


"I'm sorry, Draco."

"You don't need to be sorry." I looked up at her, speaking softly, "I'm the one that needs to be sorry, and I've missed you, Y/n. A lot."

"I-I feel bad for yelling at you, though." She tilted her head up for her eyes to meet mine. "I was just a bit angry, they're both my friends–"

"But they called you- well you know what they called you. How are they your friends after that?"

"Well they used to be my friends. And I hate seeing you get in trouble." She insisted. "And I love you for standing up for me, but seriously what they called me isn't a big deal."

"It's a big deal to me. You're my girl friend– well I mean if you still want to be, that is." I looked down in disappointment.

"Draco, are you serious?" Y/n placed her hand on top of mine, and I switched my gaze up to her. "Of course I want to be with you, I love you."

"And I love you, Y/n." I whispered, cupping her cheek with my other hand. Fucking hell shes gorgeous.

"I really missed you, I haven't been sleeping well, Ill admit." She leaned into my hand.

"Me either." I leaned closer to her, and my hair hung slightly over my forehead. I was only a few inches from her lips. "I'm really sorry."

"It's ok, Draco." Y/n leaned closer, too. "I love you."

And with that, I took her lips in mine and passionately kissed her. I shifted my hands to her hips, guiding her to sit over my lap, straddling me on the chair.

"I'm sorry.... i'm sorry.... i'm sorry" I murmured betweens kisses when catching our breath quickly. Y/n shifted her hips forward slightly, letting a small groan escape my throat.

Y/n pulled away from my lips suddenly. "It's okay, I promise. Just– just stop talking." She pecked my lips again.

"I love you so much." I promised between a kiss.

"I know." She shifted her hips again. "I know, Draco."

Sorry, haven't checked over it yet!!!
I hope you like this one, thanks to who requested it, i loved writing it!
have a great evening/ night, and don't forget to vote!!!!! I love you like a lot.


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