[ Inosuke/Zenitsu ]

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- fluff
- mlm
- coming out
- Bi panic... a lot of Bi panic.


Breaths were taken, long and calming.

Zenitsu was struggling. And, as often as most people would say he's struggling in general, the blond truely outdid himself with the pickle he was in currently.

Recently, Agatsuma had been picking up on the odd habits he had- but, as someone who had only ever pictured himself marrying a woman later in life, he wasn't prepared to acknowledge the adoring looks he gave his male demon slayer companions.

He'd first noticed this behaviour when he'd seen the Hashiras for the very first time. They'd all seemed kind and, while the female of the group did catch his eye later after speaking with them, he instantly began to ogle the wind hashira, Sanemi.

After that encounter, which he had assumed was a one-time event, he also realised the close attention he payed to Inosuke's form. And, frankly, being able to recognise a friend's curves and scars off by heart didn't feel very heterosexual to him.

So, at long last, here Zenitsu stood. Outside of the Wisteria Inn's doors calming and preparing himself to confess his well examined feelings.

He goes back inside of the building, stepping gently on the stone until slipping off his zoris and making his way to where he knew his friends would be; though, only one in particular was on his mind.


"KENITZU!" The wild teenager roared as soon as the blond entered his line of view. "FIGHT ME!!"

Dumbfounded at how he could ever in his pathetic life think that thing was attractive, he sighs and stops in the middle of the room.

Throwing his pillow at the still-screaming boy, Tanjiro manages to get him quiet for Zenitsu to say what he needs to.

"I... uh... I wanted to talk about something serious with you guys," Gathering courage at every syllable

"Oh no, is something wrong?"

"What the hell could even be wrong in the first place? Unless he's dying there's no reason to panic, Gonjiro," Kneeing his abdomen, the herring silences the wild boy for a final time before signalling his friend to continue.

"I feel... different now. I've grown a lot since I met you and joined the Demon Slayer Corps, and I wanted to share what I've noticed I've been doing for... for a while," He's shocked when he manages to finish his sentence without a single fumble on his behalf, almost at tears from the emotions building up inside.

"Hey it's alright- we're here for you no matter what, Zenitsu!" His hanafuda earrings bobbed to the side once he tilted his head, finishing his sentence with what he hoped were words of encouragement.

"I... I like girls. I want to marry a girl one day, and that hasn't changed," Tanjiro nodded at him to continue, "but I like boys too. I wouldn't even be against getting married to one if I could, but I'm not sure if that's normal of me to think," Shakily letting each word fall from his heart, he gripped at the fabric over his heart.

The room fell into a deafening silence. The blond couldn't hear any spite in his friends words before his last outburst, but he was prepared to hear it now.

"Is that... not... normal?" Inosuke finally piped up, almost anxious of being ridiculed again.

"Well, most men like women, but that's not to say men can't like men too or instead of them," Offering his opinion, the Kamado straightened his back with a growing smile painted over his face.

"Well I... haven't seen a woman properly before. I wouldn't know if I like them or not," The constantly loud boy spoke at an appropriate volume for a moment, almost cautious of what his friends may think of him.

"Right... yes...," he wipes his red face as a few tears fall "I just wanted to make sure that you were both ok with that and yeah. Thank you for listening to me, I really appreciate it,"


Walking beside a shallow river, Zenitsu and his boar-headed coworker headed back towards the house before the sun started to set.

"How did you realise you... you know..." Inosuke turned to his friend as they trod across the stone and dirt.

Politely laughing at the immature and cautious wording, Zenitsu offers his findings.

"Well... I noticed mainly because of you. Not in a weird way, I promise- but you're the most... uh... masculine out of everyone else I've met," He answered the question as honest as possible, horrified by the quiet giggle he received afterwards.

"You're the one who said my face was girly? Remember?"

"That's different,"

"Different how? Because my face is always covered by my mask? You like it better when it's off, huh?"

"Yeah, well... shut up,"

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