[ RenKaza again? ]

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Completely indulgent again lmao
- smut
- mlm
- intense grinding
- mutual masterbation
- switching (top/bottom, sub/dom)
- Akaza is the top once they get into it
- no actual fucking
- talk about threesomes (future chapter? 😳)
- mostly Rengoku being sexy lmao

Tan hands were sat, resting, on pale hips. Slow and gentle kisses planted all upon the blond's neck and upper body. Their hips collided every few seconds causing pants to filter through their tired lips.

"Is- is the great and noble Kyojuro finally g-giving in? Ha-ahh-" Akaza squealed, his thighs shut tightly against the other's hips as the grinded.

"As much as you are, filthy demon," His voice was still strong, it held power in it, but it was shaky and his quivering thighs weren't helping.

"F-fuck. No, I can't do this shit- shiiit- anymore," He was falling out of breath, forcing his head to stay in place as he desperately wanted to roll back and beg to be used.

"Then you're givi-giving in?" The blond's hands faltered, twitching as he begged whatever god was out there to be able to take his pants off.

"In your dreams, you stupid sexy- Ha-Aaahh~ Haah-" A threatening tone turned to whines and adult-ish noises with another press of the other's hips, like they were fighting about who sat where.

His heart was thumping in his groin, face hot as he could feel the first dribble of pre slide around his cock. The blond shuddered at the feeling, picturing a finger tracing around his length instead. He said nothing.

"F-fuck- I'm so wet- I don't know if I can keep going," The demon panted out, the unsoiled fabric of his white pants turning a wet grey between his thighs.

Kyojuro could barely contain himself at that. His lower body was exhausted, his hair was clinging to the back of his drenched neck and all he wanted was more friction. He felt his length twitch before he threw his head back as he went to touch it, wrists suddenly grasped him to stop.

"A-are you really giving in that qui-quickly?" And shaky and unsure tone swelled in his throat, "I- fuck. I don't think I can fuck you tonight,"

Their eyes stayed locked for a few more seconds, drool falling and leaving lines on their chins respectively. Sharp, black eyebrows furrowed as the blond turned away and did exactly what he planned not to.

The bet they had placed before was that they would grind against each other and whoever broke first would be the one taking it for the rest of the night. If they both hadn't tried switching maybe they both wouldn't have been begging to be fucked in this moment.

As Rengoku's hand palmed his pants, he saw Akaza do the same. This was going to get confusing. He didn't care. In the second it took to slip his hand under his loose belt he let out a clear moan, shoulders shaking immediately afterwards.

"Shiiii~iit-" The sound made his chubbed cock twitch and strain against his cold palm. "Kyojuro, maybe I just might fuck you like you want, ahhh~?"

"Then don't tease me! Take your pants off," When it came to the blond being vulnerable he took it very seriously, but the mere thought of another set of hands on him made him whimper prematurely.

"Eager, are we?" An unamused look back made him laugh. "Ah shush, I'm kidding. Take off yours too,"

Sex was what started their complicated relationship, this weird series of relations and fighting, so they were experienced with one another and took the act like a sweet hobby. So when they didn't have plans for their nights together they left it up to chance. A wager, a gamble, you name it.

They undressed quickly in excitement and hurredly ran their fingers over each of their bodies. It was always fascinating to touch skin that didn't share the same DNA, blood pulsing under tan skin made the inhuman hunger for more. Their fingers trailed too far down to consider eating anything other than what was already open to each other.

"A-ack-" icy hands stuttered on his dick, causing his back to arch and his thighs to shake. "P-please, mmmh~"

Hot breath hit his neck before he could say anything about it. He barely registered the compliments when his heart beating at the base of his groin was so loud.

"Fuck- please little hashira, Kyojuro- fuck~" His hand was lathered in pre-cum as he stroked himself and the blond at once, something new he'd heard about and needed to try.

The action was sloppy and he could barely reach around the girth when they were both stacked together like they were, but it felt good. The heat radiating off their groins was scolding enough it got Akaza's hands warm. It was so dirty, to be on each other in this way, jacking off together. Their cocks shook at the thought.

Rengoku wriggled his hips and brought a hand to his face, which was immediately pulled away. His thighs were burning hot, his face was as well, but he was so hard he could barely take it. Tears welled in his eyes as they rolled back.

Akaza drooled over their gliding members to make the movement wetter, a wave of shame washed over the blond as he quickly took note of how red his was. He felt the demon's other hand moving to squeeze his tense balls as his mouth was entered. He felt his belly heat up with anticipation. He was so close.

As his mouth was full he rolled his eyes back again, arms loosely wrapped around shoulders as his cock spilled more and more slick. He was more than fully erect, his cock was spilling like a good cream pie. His face got red from the embarrassment while his dick twitched.

They pulled apart and the muffled moans came to a close, Kyojuro couldn't look away from the mouth he just departed from. He grabbed the demon's face by surprise and licked his lips like a dog, his saliva spilling down the others chin.

Akaza opened his mouth but he didn't stop, he licked the roof of his mouth and his tongue in a foul swoop of the muscle, lapping up his spit as he lost all control of his body. He wouldn't even remember this in the morning.

He made a loud, pitchy whine in warning as his cock shook a final time. His pale white cum shot out of his red tip, another liquid to add to the slick between them. Akaza pumped him for his last dribbles and let go to let him rest for a second.

He was left to finish himself but he couldn't really mind when his partner was completely fucked out without even being fucked. It helped him through his close release. Before he came a tan hand got him through his last few strokes, bending all the way down to catch the majority on his face and in his mouth.

"Shiiit~" The demon grabbed a fist full of blond and red and forced the other to lick him clean. "That's a good boy,"

Akaza shuffled into the others naked lap, flaccid cocks touching oddly as they cooled down. He licked streaks up the hashira's tan neck, biting his jawline softly in thanks. He left a few hickies around his collar bone before moving to his ear to play with his hair more.

"That was really fun, but next time," He paused his whispers to lap at his ear as well, causing the other to groan in surprise. "We should get ourselves a playmate,"

Rengoku blinked a few times in shock but let the other continue. He talked about the chance of getting two cocks stuffed in either of them, getting to watch one getting fucked when it isn't by the other. Just talking about it made Akaza roll his hips.

You can imagine they went a few more rounds after that,,

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