[ I'm so gay for Rengoku ]

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I have an obsession with this man and it's new content, so stfu
- fluff and smut (this ones really soft 🥺)
- Kyojuro/reader 😋
- overstimulation
- top male reader (the usual)
- modern AU
- loads of fluff :)
- first times
- you eat him out 👍
- he has a lot of hair (idk, it's cute)
- aftercare is IMMENSELY sweet
- I just love him, idk, he's perfect and I love him

Your hands on warm, soft cheeks rubbed in circles as you coaxed your lover into another kiss, loving the gentle groan he made after you'd started the action

You were both sat on your couch, half-watching TV as you'd started getting touchy with him about halfway through whatever horrendous movie you'd tried to sit through. The blond's lips were so soft, you couldn't help but ask for more.

He smiled gently before holding your wrists with his hands and kissing you again, undeniably making your heart flutter.

He pulled back after a few seconds, only for you to lean back into him for another kiss, moving your hands out of his grasp so you could hold him. You ran a hand down his chest, making him laugh softly through the kiss, while your other hand cupped his warm cheek, flushed from the sensation.

You pulled back, moving your hand to perch under his chin, eyes still locked with his plump lips. You kissed the corner of his mouth before sitting back down fully, your other hand moved from his chest to his thigh comfortably. He sighed gently and wrapped his arms around your neck, leaning back to lay on the couch and taking you with him.

"You have such a kissable face, you know that?" You mumbled, head happily perched on his chest as he ran his fingers through your hair. "Too kissable,"

"Haha! I think you have a problem with how much you cling to me," His voice boomed generously as you shuffled deeper onto his body, face-first in between his pecs. "You only prove my point by getting more comfortable,"

"You've got a very soft and ample body in places, despite all the bulk," You squeezed his pec to further prove your point, but he just gasped at the feeling and gently slapped your hand away.

You moved your hands to his hips, feeling up and down his sides as you felt his legs move to wrap around your waist, trapping you in the comfortable spot, pinning you to his bodice. You sighed in content before shuffling to look up at your partner, seeing the blond's face flushed and his gentle eyes focussed on you, his lip between his teeth.

You lifted your head off his chest so you could drag your hands under his shirt, earning you a soft gasp and an annoyed look. You continued, though, and put your cold hands on his warm chest, squeezing the large muscles and waiting to play with his nipples.

As you continued to kneed the soft, dough-y flesh, you heard him sigh and groan in content, urging you forward. You pulled up his shirt over his bust, moving your head back down to suck his right nipple while you rolled the other bud in your fingers. He started whining at the touch immediately, the sensation still fairly new to him.

You pulled away from his chest after a while, wanting to take a look at your work, and you were not disappointed. His shirt was rolled up and held between his teeth, his nipples were red and hard with the right bud swollen and tinted purple from the suction. His chest heaved as he panted, face flushed and eyes hazy from the rapid surge into something so sexual. His stomach was also exposed to you, in turn giving you a clear view of his hips and his trail of hair leading to where you desperately wanted to touch. The whole thing turned you on more than you cared to admit, especially when the fabric of your pants became too tight.

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