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Finally, a BakuDeku chapter. Holy shit, these two are so special to me 😭
- fluff and a smidge of angst
- set after Izuku returns to UA
- Bakugou actually has feelings
- cooking
- confessions
- this is a character study on each of them!
- idiots can't use their damn words 💀
- forehead kisses
- "I love you"s, it's a bit corny

For the first time in months, Deku woke up somewhere warm and comfortable, and not leaning against a brick wall after accidentally passing out for 2 minutes, full of stress from even the slightest bit of relaxation.

He never wanted to leave, especially since he felt a throb at the base of his skull and didn't want to open his eyes to any bright lights.

"Oi, De- ugh, Izuku, wake up," He knew it was Kacchan, but still peeled an eye open to check.

"What?" He didn't recognise his own voice, and clearly the blond didn't either with the shocked look on his face.

He looked away briefly before continuing... cute.

"Aizawa is making everyone lunch since you're back, c'mon," And with the image of food in his mind, Izuku followed him out of his dorm room speedily.

He wasn't shocked he'd slept for so long, but he was surprised by the fact he was in his room. He was sure he'd fallen asleep somewhere in the common room, but he remembers smelling caramel and being pressed into someone's neck.

He tried his best not to let the image in his mind bother him, but if he really had fallen asleep on Bakugou, why wasn't he woken up? His heart swelled at the thought that his childhood friend had actually changed. That he was truely willing to start over with their relationship.

He smelt a lot of different things when he walked in, and rubbed his eyes to see everyone better, embarrassed when he saw all eyes on him the second he opened his.

"Deku!" Uraraka practically sprinted to his side, feeding him a bite of... something? "I just made some fried rice, I don't know how to cook much else, but I hope you like it!"

He chewed and let a huge smile wash over his face for the first time in a while.

"This is so good!" He spoke without swallowing first and sheepishly finished his mouthful.

"I'm glad! Everyone decided to make something different so there was enough for all of us, we're basically having a feast!" She hugged his side with one arm and he heard Bakugou groan beside him and leave towards the kitchen.

"Tsu is even making some mochi! Everyone is so excited to have you back..." She sounded like she wanted to say something else, but she looked away before continuing, "I'm so excited to have you back,"

He smiled softly at that, appreciating everyone's effort for his arrival and his friend's honesty.

"Here, shit nerd," Katsuki was by his side again, a small tub of something with a spoon in it pressed to his chest, "I hope to god this is still your favourite,"

His green eyes widen in the realisation that his childhood friend had remembered how much he loved katsudon as a kid, and had taken the time to make some for him.

He felt tears well in his eyes before he could help it, missing the days he and Kacchan would make pillow forts and get served katsudon by his mother, never wanting to ruin their fun. Simpler times...

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