[ sour candy ]

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IM BACK GUYS!!! And I started watching Chainsaw man! I love Denji so much already, oh my GOD-
- Denji/gender neutral reader :)
- SICKENING fluff. You'll cry.
- mentions of Denji's past living situation
- trying candy for the first time 😭
- WARNING: he's pretty gross here, he eats like an animal
- obviously has a lot to do with food
- only one kiss.. I held back

You threw a plastic bag onto the coffee table in your apartment, and Denji had to sit for a moment before becoming curious as to what's inside.

You weren't a great person, by any means- hell, you killed Devils for a living and have been known to be a bit aggressive- but after meeting the new guy at the organisation? Something in you snapped in the best possible way.

Denji had first seen you when he was moving into Aki's apartment. You were on a call and hadn't noticed his gawking, but since that moment he'd tried to get the two of you partnered up for missions or sat next to each other in the café as much as possible.

He fell hard, and you knew it the moment you first noticed his staring, and when you hadn't minded his company, things swiftly moved between the two of you.

After Aki had gotten sick of the blond, you offered for him to move into your apartment instead, and that's were things were when you dropped that plastic bag in front of him.

"What's 'n there?" He poked the bag, curious, and you laughed, moving around the coffee table to sit with him on the couch.

"I got you a few things from the grocery store," He swung his head around in shock, but the way his eyes lit up was worth more than the $50 bucks worth of groceries you'd gotten him, "stop staring at me and open it!"

You grabbed the bag again and pushed it into his chest, and he excitedly tore it open. Literally. You might've complained if you were stronger, but that look in his eyes... it made you so, so weak.

"Ah!" He sat for a moment, realising what you'd bought him, and sniffled before trying to retain his composure, "candy, right?"

You nodded and he grinned even harder than before, his sharp teeth almost blinding. You looked away until he ripped open the first package with those same teeth, staring in awe at the little bear between his index and thumb.

"Make sure not to eat too many at once! They can make you sick if you have too many- and we can always save the rest for later," You looked longingly at your kitchen cabinets where your Tupperware was safely stored.

He didn't seem to notice or care, though, and cautiously plopped one into his mouth.

You hated to admit it, but you grew more anxious with every clench of his jaw, trying your best to read his eyes before he grinned again.

"They're so chewy! I've never had anything really chewy before," He shoved another six into his face and turned to you, mouth still full, "I like it!"

You nodded and he threw the bag onto the table, still chewing while he rummaged in the bag until he found an item that interested him.

He stared in awe at the tiny bottle in his hands, confused at why it was such a small drink but even more confused as to how it was considered a candy.

"Oh, right! It's kind of like a candy sauce- you dip gummies and stuff in it or pour it onto them. Try it by itself first, though," You were extra concerned at how he'd eat this one, knowing that even you couldn't eat this candy without spilling it everywhere.

You watched silently, gnawing at your own lip, before he took the package and squeeze far too much onto his finger.

You weren't shocked.

He stuck his finger into his mouth and made a noise in surprise, immediately squeezing more into the palm of his hand and drinking it like a mad man.

But did you love that mad man...?


Yes you did.


You were embarrassed for him by the time he was done, finally finished taste testing and combining everything he liked.

You picked at the bag of sour strips for one for yourself before turning to Denji, his face covered in every colour of the rainbow like he'd sucked the face off every slushy flavour imaginable.

You giggled a bit at how desperately he tried to lick off the candy on his hands. To be honest, you almost let him sit there the entire night to clean up by himself- but you weren't that mean.

"Come here," You motioned just in front of your lap, grabbing the box of baby wipes you HAD to have (living with Denji meant that every waking hour of your life was spent reaching for those damn baby wipes-) around him.

He took this as a sign of affection, as he always did, and simply sat in your lap and waited, giddy with finally being able to try the things he so desperately wanted to.

While you cleaned up his hands, he spoke.

"Thank you... for, uh, getting all of that just for me," You snickered.

"It wasn't JUST for you, y'know? I also hadn't tried some of that stuff before," He made an 'O' shape with his mouth in understanding, and nodded, suddenly fading into a light pink when you pressed a wipe to his mouth.

He pulled away when you started scrubbing, but you just brought a hand to the back of his head and kept him close until you were finished.

He stuck his tongue out in annoyance, mouth red from what was surely a food rash, but you didn't care.

You leant up and cupped his cheeks, squishing them together before pressing a soft kiss to his mouth.

Denji shivered a bit and looked away rather bashfully, and you laughed.

You realised then that you really would do anything to make this boy smile.

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