[ Sanemi/Akaza ]

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- Smut
- Angry smut
- mlm pairing(s)
- fingering
- boiled seaweed as lube due to time setting (they really used seaweed!)
- the ship idea came to mind like last night and I needed to make this because they'd actually be a great sexual pairing!!

He was fucked in a not-so-literal sense. The wind hashira was being pinned to the ground by an uppermoon, his katana far out of reach while the demon bore straight into his soul.

"You were a very good fight, little hashira," The creature spoke sickly sweet in his young voice. "I admire your strength, you would do so well as a demon such as I,"

It made him sick, even the mere thought of letting himself become the filthy cannibal breed of 'people'. The thought of tearing into human flesh, growing horns or his skin being tainted with marks the creatures so oftenly had made him burn with anger.

"I'd never become a lowlife blood sucker like you, vermin," He spat, forcing the grip on his wrists to become tighter with what was surely rage.

"Now now, Sanemi, insults won't get you out of a position like this! Please, if you'd just consider my offer we could train together, you'd far outlive your strength now!" The demon bargained, almost begging as his voice still stayed so high, it was embarrassing to the hashira no doubt.

"I'm never going to train with you, even if I did become a demon I'd chop off my own head before I'd consider staying by your side," He struggled, moving his legs in an attempt to push the other off before the creature's knees pushed into his thighs brutally.

He groaned deeply at said contact as he could feel his muscle jolt in pain, surely beginning to bruise. This did nothing to silence the uppermoon, though, and he instead keened in a fit of joy.

"Ahh~ you humans are so delicate, I just adore the noises you make when you're in pain!" He was trying to get the other annoyed, past experience proving frustration led to excellent battles. "Please little hashira, just accept my offer!"

"Never!" And with that, the demon bit down harshly into his shoulder, suckling the wound and licking the pooling blood away.

"You taste magnificent! You must be a marechi! What a pleasant surprise, to have a pretty thing like you all to myself," He made sure to smile as widely as he could, showing off his blood-stained teeth and tongue to come off more threatening, still hoping for a more extensive fight.

"Ugh- you're filthy. Your voice and attitude is sickening. I hope another slayer finds us and beheads you before I do," The present snarl in his voice flurried with a passion for fight as well.

"Ah? Isn't that mean! How come the yummiest people are always the worst, you're lucky I'm not killing you right now," The much older male tried to berate the other, still maintaining his childish behaviour. "I wonder if any other part of you would taste as good as your blood.."

Before he could even ask what that meant his mouth was being explored. A foreign and inhuman tongue was diving deep into his mouth, scooping across his cheeks with utmost practice. He'd done this before, surely.

The intruder left his mouth after a while and left them both panting, the taste of both his own blood and a demon's spit was heavy on the hashira's tongue, leaving him to be completely disgusted.

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