[ Rengoku/Sanemi/Akaza ]

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The threesome chapter youve all been waiting for 👍👍 Rengoku is extra sexy here oh lord
- intense smut
- mlmlm (gay x3)
- Rengoku is in extreme subspace
- double penetration
- daddy kink (I'm so sorry)
- spooning
- butt plugs and dildos
- 1910's-1920's Japan sex toys

Kyojuro Rengoku, the flame pillar and one of the happiest men on Earth, was sprawled out on a bed that didn't belong to him as two men made out in front of him. And as such a wholesome and happy man, he didn't think he could get more turned on.

"Shit," Sanemi panted, pulling away from the demon as he palmed at his thigh, too close to his growing erection, "'didn't think you'd get me here so quickly,"

"Ah ah ah," The uppermoon tutted, "we have to remember not to play with just each other, there's someone we need to take care of,"

He looked down to the blond, uniform undone and belt unbuckled, chest rising and falling too quickly and a certain dent showed he was excited. Of which Akaza keened at.

"Ahhh Kyojuro, you have such a pretty little cock, always so red, always so wet," He trailed off mindlessly as he'd pulled down his pants to his thighs, nuzzling the member.

"What should we do with such a prissy little thing?" The white haired male lent on his shoulder, moving his hand over to palm the other's cock, "what if we make him beg?"

"Oh I knew you'd be a good third," He held his face between his thumb and index finger, squishing his scarred cheek before licking a stripe across his lips. "Well, Kyojuro? Beg,"

The blond in question didn't know where to start, but the pressure and eyes on him were making him wet. He never really considered himself to be sexual, but when times like this came his brain short-circuited and he did what he was told.

"I- please, please- oh fuck- please daddy," It was still hard to spit the sentence out, his struggle with provocative language was nothing new, but their reactions made it worth it.

"Shit that's sexy. Call me daddy again you pretty little slut," Sanemi palmed his fully hard cock in appreciation, pulling away when he wanted more.

"P-please, daddy," He shut his thighs in further embarrassment, another palm to his groin making it worth it.

"Oh, what a good boy. I bet you wanna be full already, don't you?" He meekly nodded at the demon's question, a finger moving to prod his clothed hole, "I wanna be in you already too, baby, but we just need to prep you first,"

He turned to the other male sat upright and motioned him to grab supplies. When he came back there was a bottle of carrageenan and a small stone cock.

"Oh my goodness..." He'd briefly heard about such toys in his day-to-day life, but seeing one in person, the kind most women used, was a bit of a shock.

"It's alright, we aren't gonna force this into you, it's just to help get you loose enough for us," The unique honey-coloured stone was pressed against his lips without another word.

He opened his mouth to lick it gently, taking care of where the most sensitive parts would be, before taking the whole thing into his mouth (which actually didn't even reach the back of his throat, but he hadn't gotten used to that with regular ones either).

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