[ Sanemi/male reader ]

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This is so self indulgent it isn't even funny 😭 WHY DO I HAVE THIS KINK BESTIES 💀
- lactation kink
- male lactation
- mlm
- Galactorrhea (milk discharge)
- sub Sanemi
- fucking his big fat titties oh god
- breeding kink
- degradation
- I think he'd be easy to overstimulate 🤤
- I would kill for this to happen to me, it's so hot for what reason EYE- 😩🥵😣

Your partner's body was heavy on your torso. Sanemi had just gotten back from a long series of missions, one which lasted over two weeks, and he'd only arrived as you were about to spend another night by yourself.

The two of you were laid on your futon in your quite newly shared home, his head heavy on your chest. You hadn't yet asked him how it all went, and you were scared to from his very tense back, but as you were about to question he spoke up.

"The whole time I was gone my chest hurt so fucking bad, I'm so sick of it, it hurts right now as well. I don't even fucking know what's going on but it makes me feel fucking horrible," He complains harshly, you can feel his brow furrow in frustration on your chest where he's still stuck.

"That's really bad, Sanemi," You cooed, petting his hair softly, "What do you want me to do about it, sweeheart?"

He perked up at that, facing you with wide eyes. You laughed at the expression though. In the short two months you'd become a couple, he never told you much about his pain or discomfort, so hearing this was a bit of a relief on your end. So he can feel pain.

"I just have this fucking awful ache in my chest that just comes and goes. I was fine when I left but like a day after my first mission is when it really started fucking me up," He placed his hand over his heart and whined lowly to prove his point.

"So it's sensitive?" You muttered, poking his chest gently but still earning some soft grunts, "Can I give you a chest massage? I'll be gentle, I promise,"

You could see his discomfort but still he managed a small 'yes please' and sat up on the futon. You tested the waters by starting the massage high, near his collarbones, and began working lower. You could tell he didn't dare touch the sensitive area, so you were trying to be as careful as possible.

You finally get to his actual pectorals, and you almost foamed at the mouth. His chest was so much larger than yours or any other man's you'd seen, his size would only be compatible with a well-endowed woman. To say the least, it was a serious turn on every time he took of his shirt or when you caught him in his uniform.

You began kneading the tissue softly and you didn't miss the high whine he made because of it, but as you returned your attention back down you could see fluid pouring out of both nipples.

"Uhh? 'Nemi, you're leaking," You honestly weren't sure what to do, so you let go and let him know first, which might've been a mistake.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" His voice cracked quite sweetly, but you were too concerned to focus on that alone, "Is this fucking milk? What the actual fuck is happening?"

He pinched his nipple and more of the substance streamed out as he whined. Though still incredibly confused and scared for your lover, you had to admit, the noises he was making and the inflation of his chest were both starting to make you hard.

"We should probably go to a doctor as soon as possible," You coughed, looking anywhere but the arousing sight in front of you.

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