The Wild Signs

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Aries: The sun filters through the leaves, yet it only seems to obscure the path ahead. You feel as if you shouldn't be here.

Taurus: A valley covered in shade. The area is famous for the cave systems that run deep beneath. The plants that grow here are a pasty white, their roots spill from the caves.

Gemini: The overgrown remnants of a highway. Rusted cars sit overflowing with reeds. There isn't another road for miles. The cars all seem to be postwar models.

Cancer: Rivers and earthquakes tore the land in two. The forest didnt mind, it simply started growing sideways, sinking its roots into the cliffside.

Leo: The sun is setting. As the full moon rises over the pines you can hear something over the crackle of the fire. Its the distinctive horns of Curtis Mayfield's Move On Up. You are never seen again.

Virgo: The mountain village buried by an avalanche. The only thing visible are the tin smokestacks of buried homes. Sometimes you can still see smoke billowing from them.

Libra: A dusty plateau covered in dry birch trees. Your shoes scuff some dust from the ground to reveal a large linoleum tile.

Scorpio: Every once in a while people out in the borderlands come across strange trees. The bottom half resembles a knotted oak but as the tree grows it seems to form the shape of an animal clawing at the sky. No two are ever reported alike.

Sagittarius: The territory is marked off by brass stakes in the ground. Lightning strikes them when its stormy.

Capricorn: There used to be a church here. The old graveyard still stands. The lost and unclaimed always find a home here. This is a kind place.

Aquarius: You make camp for the night at the edge of a small pond. No fish are biting. Your foot runs across a sharp stone on the bottom. As you tend to the small cut you look into the water. Teeth.

Pisces: The field where you saw the black hare. It was the dead of winter. The fields had frozen over. It moved like smoke.

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