The Dark side of each sign

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1: Aries

Aries is the most impulsive and impatient of the zodiac signs. They also tend to be immature. Also, if an idea isn't theirs, they don't agree with it. They're prone to childish remarks when they get their feelings hurt as well.

2: Taurus

Taurus is possessive, materialistic, and sometimes vain. They sometimes need to be forcefully taught the golden rule. They're stubborn and can be overly self-indulgent and lazy. Taurus can get way too into superficial things, whether it's personal vanity over their looks or just an obsession with having all the newest and most expensive stuff on the market.

3: Gemini

Gemini is like a few different personalities rolled into one. A real grab bag, if you will. You never know what you're going to get. They enjoy tons of different interests and tend to consider themselves the master of all of them. Geminis love to talk so much that you can barely get a word in. Geminis are interested in so many different things that they have difficulty committing to just one. Gemini tends toward arrogance and cockiness. They think they know it all and they aren't shy about it. They can also be unreliable, not necessarily the person you want to depend on in a pinch.

4: Cancer

Cancers are known to be nurturing and affectionate, but this also means that they are extremely emotional and sensitive. Cancers are moody (they are crabs, after all). They are cautious and timid to the point where it's very difficult to get them to move out of their comfort zone. Cancers are very sensitive and easy to offend. Sorry if that offends you!

5: Leo

Leo tends to be charming and lovable, but they often charm and love themselves the most. They demand attention and will try to be the center of it at all times. There's no great way to put it, Leo is an attention addict. For Leo, everything revolves around them. They've never met a mirror they don't love! If they start feeling ignored, they will throw a tantrum.

6: Virgo

Be careful when you're hanging out with a Virgo because they tend to be much more judgmental than the other signs. They're perfectionists, so even so much as a crooked smile can set them off and have them gossiping. They tend to be judgmental and pessimistic to the point where, when they're down, they think the world is going to end. The Virgo has high standards. Incredibly high, unreasonable standards for everyone and everything in their life. They are perfectionists and they will judge you if you're not up to par. Don't expect to see them beating themselves up over personal failings, though. In their own eyes, they're flawless and everyone else is slacking.

7: Libra

Libra is indecisive. They spend a lot of time preparing and studying for every little thing. They're the kinds of people who stand in the grocery store with two bottles of ketchup carefully examining the labels. God just pick a f*cking thing and move on. Libras take forever to make a decision because they have to weigh every possible option. They will do anything to keep the peace to the extent where they abandon their own values. Libras are fascinated with the beauty and will primp for hours before being ready to go out. They panic at the thought of commitment and they aren't very good at keeping promises. They don't mean to be malicious, but they aren't loyal either.

8: Scorpio

Hell hath no fury like a Scorpio scorned. They're passionate but tend to be manipulative and fiery. For them, bad moods are a baseline. Scorpios are very unforgiving. If you wrong a Scorpio, they will make your life miserable. Scorpios can easily spiral down into darkness and despair. This sign has a temper of epic proportions and when something gets under their skin, they will overreact with a fury unlike any other.

9: Sagittarius

Sagittarians are well known for being blunt, and their bluntness borders on tasteless at times. They tend to be know-it-alls and are easily bored. Sagittarius is very self-righteous and often lack good social etiquette. They don't pick up cues when they're being rude or offensive and they simply don't care much about tact or subtlety. This sign will tear you to shreds if they find a chink in your armor and then they'll claim it was for your own good.

10: Capricorn

Capricorns are controllers. They don't really go with the flow. They often use people for their own benefit and thrive on gossip and negativity. Capricorns thrive on negativity. They won't think twice about using someone to further their cause.

11: Aquarius

Aquarius thinks they're so logical and smart, meaning they're quick to judge others. They spend a lot of time living in their own heads and seem detached. They often give good advice but almost never follow it. They are so eager to give advice that they don't hear what you're actually trying to say.

12: Pisces

Pisces lacks direction. They tend to be space cadets and accidentally aloof. They're supposed to be the oldest and wisest sign, but they tend to be gullible. Pisces are spacey and aloof. They love "going with the flow."

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