The Signs And Love

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Aries: Tries to act cool, but basically thrives off attention and love. Spends most of their time in the attic. They respond well to sudden tackle hugs and flurries of kisses. Can become surprisingly loving once they feel comfortable enough to show affection. Barbed feet like a bird of prey.

Taurus: Shy as all hell. They can be quite clingy but will give you space if you ask. Be clear with what you need, a Taurus can tend to overthink things. Constantly shape shifting in small ways to please you. Embarrassed that they have no face of their own.

Gemini: Kind of a busybody. The ideal breeding ground for lichens. A micro-manager, but in a very caring way. They keep track of lots of details to offset their impulsive and adventurous spirit. Asymmetrical wings covered in unblinking eyes. Prepare for lots of day trips. Knows exactly how you like your coffee, knows your order at every restaurant you visit together.

Cancer: They're the comfortable sort of partner, perfect to snuggle up with. Wants nothing more than to spend the day in jammies watching movies and eating junk food. Constantly wrapped in big sweaters and blankets to hide the colossal second mouth on their belly. Nervous around other people but fiercely protective.

Leo: Outgoing almost to a fault. It seems like nothing ever goes as planned but things always end up fun. Reject from a soviet supersoldeier program. Loves to show you off to other people. Made of spare parts from the other rejects. Brash, sarcastic sense of humor.

Virgo: Empathetic and loving, absolutely obsessed with you. Loves to drape themselves on you like a blanket. Teases you constantly. No legs, but instead has a long prehensile tail that they wrap around you like a belt. Needlelike teeth for boning fish.

Libra: Charming and talkative, bit of a rambler. Loves to go on dates but wants to make sure they're "special". Sometimes they feel like they don't deserve you. Keep that affection coming. Silence makes them uncomfortable, this can be remedied with a nice hand holding. Sometimes you find them outside at night staring up at the stars, producing what sounds like radio static.

Scorpio: A huge dork. Cute to a T. Memes and too-big-hoodies. The sort of person you've been friends with forever. Knows a lot about guns. Sometimes you kick yourself for not noticing them earlier. Vanishes for several months at a time and returns covered in scars.

Ophiuchus: Quiet, seemingly shy. Deeply thoughtful with a gift for making plans. Lost their left arm years ago. Constantly watched over by a spectral crane. A top.

Sagittarius: Cool beyond their years. The sort of person who makes anxiety and worries melt with their presence. No idea how attractive they are. You feel like this isn't the first time you've met them. You still remember their name.

Capricorn: Well traveled. Likes all the same things you do, constantly introducing you to new art and artists. Anachronistic clothing choices. Witty and loves to tease you. Welcomes criticism, very fair and even-headed. Protective of the ceremonial harpe they keep with them at all times. It glows blue in the night.

Aquarius: Deeply artistic and intellectual. Could listen to you talk about your projects for hours. No concept of linear time. Always has a new perspective on your thoughts. The sort of person you could lose days talking to. Only pretends to sleep to make you feel better.

Pisces: Independent and forceful. Sees you as their partner as well as their lover. Respects you like nobody ever really has. Travels to see you though the wires. Dedicated and rarely vulnerable, which only makes the rare tender moment more valuable. 

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