46: My Step Father 🗳

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"Love yourself instead of loving the idea of other people loving you"

"I think you need to hear this" Matshidiso said as she stopped me from entering the hospital room

"What's wrong?" She placed up and down the passage. I had to tell her to stop because I was going to get dizzy.


"He remembers, okay! He remembers everything. The police were here yesterday, they round out who knocked Tumelo"

"That's great news, why are you so stressed?" I asked her.

"I'm giving you a heads up. Tumelo wants to talk to you but he looked- mad".

"Oh my god. What the-"

"Just go inside. Here him out or something" she said.

I stepped into the room. I felt weak. Tumelo was sitting up straight on the bed. His hair has grown rapidly since hes been her for quite some time now. He was wearing a Johnny gown eating a fruit salad.

"Hi, Ada" he greeted.


"I called you here because I wanted to talk to you. Just sit down and listen." He said. I took a seat on the chair besides him.

"I love you MaNyambose" he said. My heart started dancing and it of my control, a tear decided to leave my eye. I grinned widely and reached out to touch his hand. He instantly pulled it back


"I remeber everything. I remember exactly how that knocked me. We were having an argument. You chose Langa, you'll always choose Langa. I'll always be second best" he said.

"No Tumelo, no. I love you" I said.

"That's what you think Ada. You cant keep on hurting the people you love. I get it, you love Langa. You guys share a bond, a physical and an emotional bond. I cant compete with that" he said.

"Please give me a chance to talk" I said.

"I will, you wont even get that chance to talk if you keep on cutting me short. I have physio in an hour" he said rolling his eyes.

"I'm sorry, proceed"

"I want you to know that I dont blame you for my accident. I think we should just take a break and become friends for now" he said.

"What in the hell? You just said you lov-"

"Ada your job is to listen, I dont need your comments in between"

"I'm sorry" I said, looking at the ground in shame

"There's also something you need to know. I found out who is the person who knocked me."

"Oh my god. Who is it? That person deserves to rot in jail"

"Its Robert Launter" I held my breath. Oh my god, it can never be.

"Wait. You know him?"

"He's my dad? Wait no- my step dad" I corrected myself.

"Look Tumelo, were not done with this conversation and were definetly not breaking up" I'll come and check on you tomorrow and we can talk about this tomorrow, okay baby?" I confirmed as I took my purse and kissed his cheek.

I walked out of the hospital in a hurry and I heard Matshidiso calling out my name

"Sweety, are you okay?" She sped walked towards me

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